Searches NA OP GG for your teammates profiles via C+P the chatlog during champselect.
Edit line in .Py file containing 'Blacklist = [" "], and fill your ["playername", "duo", "partners"]. (casesensitive) 'Save'
To begin, have the app open before queue for match pops.
When you get into Champ-Select/Draft phase then copy the entire chatlog, everything.
Paste the contents into the Field on the app.
Press the 'Search' button. Profit.
Doesnt parse names if it somehow contains a : in their name.
Doesnt clear the field automatically after each inquiry.
Can remove the app, and enable as a hotkey, and just grab from clipboard.
Can have single button on app, no field, and grab from clipboard.
from clipboard may be quicker, but may be awkward to use for UX.