An useful windows application as user interface to cascade classifier training using OpenCV applications.
Base program developed using Visual Studio 2015, C# .Net 4.6, compiled in x86 windows 10.
By References:
- Adding complied OpenCV apps in bin project directory. In this project used opencv_annotation.exe, opencv_createsamples.exe, opencv_ffmpeg300.dll, opencv_traincascade.exe, opencv_world300.dll, opencv_world300d.dll files about 18 MB (OpenCV v3.0).
- Mentioned files can be download from here.
- Ctrl+Right and Ctrl+Left for goto next image and previous image respectively.
- Ctrl+Up and Ctrl+Down for accept image as positive and negative respectively and goto the next image.
- Negatives: Directory include a text file and negative images.
- Positives: Directory include a text file and positive images.
- samples.vec: Vector file from positive images.
- Cascade _ ??x??: Directory (an arbitrary name) include trained xml files from vector file and negative images.