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Tutorials Email Management

Rajeev K Tomy edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 1 revision

From the email section, you can either set an email address to the cart and continue as a guest user or you can log in and proceed.

Flow Diagram

Hyva Checkout Email Flow Diagram

Guest Checkout

In guest checkout, the users can input their email address and then choose to continue as the guest user (which the default option). Upon submit, the email address will be attached to the cart using graphql service, and then the email address will be shown in an infobox. Later, user can again edit their email address by clicking on the edit button provided in the infobox.

Logged-in Checkout

Users can choose to log in and then proceed. In this case, a lot of things will happen in the background.

  1. If the provided email address and password are invalid, then the login attempt fails and the email address will be set to the cart and the guest checkout flow will prevail.
  2. If the login success, then if there is a quote exists for the customer then, it will be merged with the current quote.
  3. Then the customer address list will be collected.
  4. Then if the cart does not possess billing address/ shipping address and the customer has default billing address/shipping address, those address will be saved against the customer cart.
  5. Billing address and shipping address section will be shown with all the customer address options with the cart address selected (if any).
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