This implements tokenized options on the WETH/USDC pair. Options can be "tethered" to trade with exceptionally high leverage. The MakerDao oracle is used query the spot price for margin calls. This is the brain child of Peter, the friendly 0x research fellow =). This was built as part of the 24h 0x hackathon. Use at your own risk =).
This is currently deployed on Kovan here
Option {
OptionType optionType = [AMERICAN_CALL | AMERICAN_PUT]
LibAsset.AssetType makerAsset = [WETH | USDC]
LibAsset.AssetType takerAsset = [USDC | WETH]
uint256 makerAmount = [1..10^27]
uint256 takerAmount = [1..10^27]
uint256 expirationTimeInSeconds = <unix timestamp>
wethToken.approve(address(optionTokenContract), wethToken.totalSupply());
usdcToken.approve(address(optionTokenContract), usdcToken.totalSupply());
Mint a maker and taker token for the option. This will also create a unique identifier for your option; this id is a combination of the maker and taker tokens. Initially, both tokens are held by the issuer (you).
(bytes32 optionId, bytes32 makerTokenId, bytes32 takerTokenId) = optionTokenContract.tokenize(option);
# EX:
# optionId = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000001
# makerTokenId = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000
# takerTokenId = 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
This will escrow the maker position in the token contract.
optionTokenContract.collateralize(optionId, option, option.makerAmount);
The maker and taker tokens are ERC721 (1155 later) so they can be managed/traded via any platform that supports the standard. You can choose to sell either the maker or taker positions - or both!
When it's time to exercise, whoever holds the takerTokenId
can exercise the option. This will transfer the escrowed collateral to the taker, and the complementary asset from the taker to the holder of the makerTokenId
optionTokenContract.exercise(optionId, option);
callOption = {
optionType: AMERICAN_CALL,
makerAsset: WETH,
takerAsset: USDC,
makerAmount: 1 weth
takerAmount: 200 usdc
expirationTimeInSeconds: 1 month
putOption = {
optionType: AMERICAN_PUT,
makerAsset: USDC,
takerAsset: ETH,
makerAmount: 200 usdc
takerAmount: 1 weth
expirationTimeInSeconds: 1 month
(bytes32 callOptionId, bytes32 callMakerTokenId, bytes32 callTakerTokenId) = optionTokenContract.tokenize(callOption);
(bytes32 putOptionId, bytes32 putMakerTokenId, bytes32 putTakerTokenId) = optionTokenContract.tokenize(putOption);
This will escrow the maker position in the token contract.
optionTokenContract.collateralize(optionId, option, option.makerAmount);
Tethering options binds their id's on-chain. Once tethered, the taker cannot exercise the call option until they fully collateralize the put option.
optionTokenContract.tether(callOptionId, callOption, putOptionId, putOption);
6 If the underlying asset (weth in this example) nears the margin threshold, the taker may add some collateral w/o fully collateralizing
optionTokenContract.collateralize(putOptionId, putOption, <some amount>);
The contracts can query the ETH/USD price via the MakerDao oracle to validate the call. In this case, any collateral placed in the put option by the taker will go to the maker; their option will be closed and the tether can be broken.
optionTokenContract.marginCall(putOptionId, putOption);
8 On the flip side -- if the price went up and the taker wished to cash out, they must first fully collateralize the put option
optionTokenContract.collateralize(putOptionId, putOption, putOption.makerAmount);
Once untethered, if either or both of the options are still open (not margin called / expired) they can be exercised to realize profits. The issuer (who holds callMakerTokenId
and putTakerTokenId
) may realize some profit if there was a margin call, otherwise nil. The counterparty who went long (who holds callTakerTokenId
and putMakerTokenId
) can exercise the call option.
optionTokenContract.untether(callOptionId, callOption, putOptionId, putOption);
If you don't have yarn workspaces enabled (Yarn < v1.0) - enable them:
yarn config set workspaces-experimental true
Then install dependencies
yarn install
yarn build
yarn clean
yarn lint
yarn test