- import cropper.min.js to your html file
<script src="path/to/cropper.min.js"></script>
- import css to your html file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/cropper.min.css">
- initialize
var cropper = new Cropper({
okText: 'confirm', // ok text
cancelText: 'cancel', // cancel text
el: 'imgFile', // the parent element id of cropper
maxFileNumber: 1, // max number of file
cropperWidth: 150, // initial cropper width
cropperHeight: 150, // initial cropper height
imgFileDimension: 80, // dimension of show img,
fileNumberExceed: 'you can upload 1 file at most', // the remind txt when exceed the maxFileNumber
- get file data
cropper.getFiles(); // {width: number, base64: string, height: number}[]