Releases: hyperblast/beefweb
Releases · hyperblast/beefweb
- Add ability to configure output device
- Add ability to combine Play and Pause buttons
- Allow specifying explicit null for optional request parameters
- Limit client config id to 64 characters
- Don't stop on first invalid config property
- Allow to limit client operations (e.g. playlist modification)
- Fix various issues in API documentation
- Fix view height initialization on mobile browsers
- BREAKING CHANGE: no longer use .dll/.so directory or "beefweb" directory in user profile for configuration files,
use "beefweb" directory in player profile instead. Existing config files will be copied to new location.
- Add support for custom volume controls (e.g. for foo_out_upnp)
- Add album art display
- Add about box in web UI
- Add play queue support
- Extend playlists API
- Add ability to store current settings as default for new browsers
- Use multiple threads to handle static content
- Update boost to v1.87
- Update nlohmann/json to v3.11.3
- Fix 1px border in compact mode
- Do not fail when configured music directory does not exist
- Replace invalid UTF-8 chars in JSON responses instead of failing
- Add option to show authentication password
- Add useful links to settings page
- Update foobar2000 SDK to 2024-12-03
- Raise minimal API version to v1.10 (corresponds to DeaDBeeF v1.8.0)
- Add support for artwork plugin v2 (used since DeaDBeeF v1.9)
- Make logging use logging API instead of stderr
- Adjust screen size breakpoints (approximately 640px for medium size and 960px for large size)
- Convert view switcher to menu on small size screens
- Display album column by default on medium size screens
- Prevent default overscroll behavior (e.g. reload page)
- Adjust UI height to avoid being hidden by the browser controls
- Fix desynchronization of current track when manipulating playlist items
- Delay showing "Processing files" UI when adding playlist items
- Add setting to hide status bar
- Add setting to hide gaps between panels
- Rename "Font size" setting to "UI elements size"
- Add playlist item row menu
- Use ellipses as row menu icon
- Enable "Show playback information panel" setting by default
- Use italic font for playing playlist instead of tab icon
- API specification is converted to OpenAPI v3
- Case insensitive string comparison is used for HTTP headers and query parameters
- Linear volume control is now used in web UI
- "Playback mode" option is split into separate "Repeat" and "Order" options
- Added "Stop after current track" and "Stop after current album" options
- Fixed occasional desync when switching tracks
- Volume control now displays tooltip in dB
- Added "Stop after current" option
- Fixed settings page not honoring dark mode
Changes in v0.6:
- Added dark theme for web UI
- Added x64 builds of foobar2000 plugin
- Improved settings screen styling
- "Use full screen width" checkbox is no longer displayed on small screens
- Binaries for foobar2000 are built with VS2022
- Updated foobar2000 SDK to 2022-11-16
- Updated boost to v1.81.0
- Updated nlohmann/json to v3.11.2
- Removed support for browsers without native EventSource implementation
Changes in v0.5:
- Added support for specifying custom response header (e.g. for CORS)
- Added support for specifying custom web content directories
- Added settings to customize window title and playback information panel content
- Added support for different file browser add actions ("Add", "Add & Play", "Replace & Play")
- Improved dialog styling in web UI
- Clicking on status bar locates current track
- Binaries for DeaDBeeF x86 are no longer provided, you can still build manually
- Binaries for foobar2000 are built with VS2017 and dynamic runtime libraries
- Updated foobar2000 SDK to 2019-06-30
- Updated boost to v1.71
- Fixed preventing of foobar2000 update
- Fixed "Port:" label overflow in settings page
- Fixed error 500 when trying to browse directories with inaccessible files
- Fixed browsing of root directory (e.g. C:\)
- Fixed volume slider vertical alignment
Changes in v0.4
- Added optional playback information panel
- Added basic support for playlist column customization
- Renamed "Audio menu" to "Playback mode"
- Fixed icons occasionally not being rendered on Chrome-based browsers
- Fixed non-latin music directories support
- Fixed "Add URL" not working
- Total playlist time status line is removed (foobar2000 only)
- Volume slider now uses linear scale instead of dB (foobar2000 only)
- Fixed browsing directories with
in path
Known issues
- Specifying root directory as music directory does not work
- Added button that locates currently played track
- Fixed volume and mute state not being synchronized
- Added "Cursor follows playback" option
- Implemented proper escaping for array query string parameters
- Added playlist sort operations
- Added "Play next/previous artist/album" operations
- First official release