This code is developed based on Caffe
This code is the implementation for the network with the context-based feature reweighting in the paper:
Hyo Jin Kim, Enrique Dunn, and Jan-Michael Frahm. "Learned Contextual Feature Reweighting for Image Geo-Localization". Proc. of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2017. [pdf] [project page]
If you use our codes or models in your research, please cite:
title={Learned Contextual Feature Reweighting for Image Geo-Localization},
author={Kim, Hyo Jin and Dunn, Enrique and Frahm, Jan-Michael},
year= {2017}
Original dataset by Chen et al. (2011):
Training query images
1.1 Flickr Images
Flickr id's available at sf_flickr.txt
Each pair in the file consists of the saved image name and the corresponding Flickr id
Currently, original images are accessible by Photo Id Here)
Please refer to copyrights of each images. We plan to provide scripts for downloading images later.
1.2 Google Streetview Research Dataset
Available at ICMLA'11 Streetview Recognition Challenge
Reference images
Available at
Test query images
Available at
*** Important Details for Training on New Datasets (described in the paper) ***
Step 1> Train the base representation (e.g. NetVLAD) first.
Step 2> Jointly train CRN (normal learning rate) + the base representation (lower learning rate).
In this way, the CRN is trained in a more stable manner + yields better performance.
Install the custom Caffe & PyCaffe (Includes custom layers built for this method)
Download dataset and perform pre-processing on query images (cropping of training queries to three square patches: {left, center, right} or {top, center, bottom} based on the aspect ratio of the original image. The patches should be named as [OriginalName]_aux1.jpg, [OriginalName].jpg, and [OriginalName]_aux2.jpg, respectively.) (Todo: provide script)
Image data lists are available at
This contains
1.1 lists of triplets used for training, validation
training: all_sanfran_netvlad_trn_fr.txt
validation: val_sanfran_netvlad_trn_fr.txt
1.2 lists of images for feature extraction used for evaluation
query: sanfran_q3_featext_fr.txt
reference: sanfran_sv_featext_fr.txt
Note: The subfolder "download" is depreciated
Adjust file paths before starting training
cd crn/caffe
crn_cvpr17/rw_net/ # for alexnet-based network
crn_cvpr17/rw_net/ # for vgg16-based network
3.1. Fine-tuning of NetVLAD on SF benchmark
crn_cvpr17/netvlad/ # for alexnet-based network
crn_cvpr17/netvlad/ # for vgg16-based network
We provide pre-trained models in trained_models
Evaluation scripts available at matlab_scripts
- Evaluation of CRN+NetVLAD
- Evaluation of NetVLAD
Learning rate scheduling: Learning rate scheduling is done through babysitting. Whenever the training loss reached a plateau, learning rate was reduced by gamma (as specified in the solver.prototxt).
Current version was tested on Ubuntu14.04 with CUDA 7. For Ubuntu16.04 with CUDA 8, please follow the instructions at