A docker image of breakwa11/shadowsocks, based on Ubuntu 14.04
: shadowsocks Startup parameters.- -d shadowsocks directory, default: /shadowsocks
- -c <conf_path> shadowsocks configuration file, default: /etc/shadowsocks.json
- -p shadowsocks port(in docker container), default: 34780
- -k shadowsocks password, default: 123456
- -m shadowsocks encrypt method, default: rc4-md5
- -t shadowsocks timeout seconds, default: 300
- -o shadowsocks obfs option, default: plain
- -w shadowsocks number of workers, available on Unix/Linux, default: 1
If you want to use chacha20 encrypt method, please install libsodium
Besides, You can use your own configuration file via mounting
Configuration File Path: /etc/shadowsocks.json
Change to work directory
cd /path/to/the/repo
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/pastral1024/shadowsocks-docker .
Build the image
docker build --tag ik:ssr /path/to/the/repo
Create & Start a container
Default Configuration:
docker run -it --name ssr ik:ssr
Custom Configuration:
docker run -it --name ssr -e "EXT_PARMS=-p yourPort -k youPassWord -m YourMethod" ik:ssr
Custom Configuration File:
docker run -it --name ssr -v "/path/to/your/configuration/file:/etc/shadowsocks.json" ik:ssr