- Node.js
- Truffle
- Ganache
- MetaMask
- go to root directory of this project (/auction-house-app), run:
cd client
npm install
NOTE: using
sudo su
if necessary.
- Run Ganache UI, and modify the RPC Server as: HTTP://
- Import the first two account into MetaMask
- In CLI go back to the root directory of this project:
cd ..
- Run the following:
truffle compile
truffle migrate
- Copy the second contract address ( named "Auction" ) and paste into line 6 of App.js file at /auction-house-app/client/src. Save the file App.js;
- go to**/auction-house-app/client** and run the app:
cd client
yarn start
- Connect your two account to localhost:3000
- play and have fun!