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hvdsomp committed Dec 3, 2024
1 parent 1de0397 commit edb5e16
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56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions robustlinks/minutes_20241022.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Robust Links Meetings Notes, 20241022, Herbert, Martin, Michael, Sawood

(1) Overall, the essence of the discussion indicates a future with a clear distinction between the RL annotations in HTML and the software that consumes them. The RL tools in the IIPC GitHub can then be considered reference implementations of RL-consuming client code and other implementations can co-exist. This also means that the Robust Links branding in tools as such becomes of less importance. Adoption of the spec core.

(2) Regarding changes to the RL annotations:

- data-versionurl to allow conveying multiple Mementos
- each Memento in data-versionurl can have an associated optional memento-datetime
- name of archive will not be included in annotation (can be implemented in software based on baseURL of memento)
- syntax for data-versionurl is a space delimited list of memento-url followed by optional memento-datetime, i.e. URI-M1 memento-datetime1 URI-M2 URI-M3 memento-datetime3
- spec to make clear that data-versiondate is the "intended" datetime for a link
- spec to make clear that the memento-datetimes are the actual archival datetimes of listed mementos
- existing data-versionurl annotations are compatible with this new approach; they are actually the simplest possible annotation according to the new spec

=> Action items: 
- Herbert to create a draft version of a revised spec and share with all. The draft will not overwrite the existing spec but be shared at some other temp URI.

(3) Regarding the CSS and JavaScript in the IIPC Github repository

- will be revised to reflect changed data-versionurl approach
- will be revised to better isolate RL code from other code in the HTML in which it is embedded
- strong preference expressed by all to keep the reference implementation for the new spec in the IIPC GitHub repo, accessible with existing DOI redirects, i.e. replace existing code

=> Action items: 
- Sawood to explore which resources will be used for revision of code that will eventually replace the existing code in the IIPC GitHub repo

(4) Regarding eventual publication of updated RL spec

- strong preference for a neutral publication environment
- strong preference to keep the RL name associated with the spec (implementations can have whichever name they prefer), among others because the name is used in literature etc.
- authorship to include existing author names + new authors e.g. Sawood, Mark (?)
- spec should move away from and get its "own spot". candidates include a robustlinks domain name, a dedicated RL github repository (RobustLinks organization is taken. By whom?), the IIPC GitHub repository (the code is there)

=> Action items:
- Sawood to discuss this perspective regarding spec publication with Mark

(5) Other existing software that leverages RL annotations

- Other known software that leverages RL annotations and might be affected by changes to data-versionurl are: 
a) Memento Time Travel for the Web browser extension ;
b) Zotero RL extension
c) the robustify.js code (

=> Action items:
- Martin/Shawn to check whether (a) could gracefully deal with new style data-versionurl (by creating synthetic example) or whether it would need updating
- Martin/Shawn to check whether/how the Zotero RL extension would be affected and need updating
- Herbert to ping Rene Voorburg about upcoming changes re data-versionurl

(5) RL API/service

- It seems that the service/API is down most of the time now.
- same holds for TimeTravel.

=> Action items:
- A discussion is needed to decide whether to keep the services accessible at or to remove them and resort back to a that promotes Memento, i.e. only the current Memento Project pages
- Sawood to reflect on the possibility to run an aggregator anda  RL API/service at IA

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