This is my hyprland configuration with eww widgets
This setup is made for 1080x1920 monitors
With eww i created a topbar made of multiple independent widgets.
From the left the first widget is a clock with weather condition. Next to it is a small spotify widget for easy access to toggling songs and such, it also shows the artwork of the song being played. At the middle is a widget to open apps very easily in this one i've put the apps that i most use. They can be changed by changing the icon and tweaking the app scripts a little on the right there's multiple widget to read mic, speakers,brightness and other things.
The option button at the end is used to open the dashboard(shown below)
The dashboard contains a variety number of widgets.Starting from the left a widget that displays your chosen profile picture and the uptime of the computer, then there's multiple small widgets to open my favorite websites and a big spotify widget, right under it three widgets to check the time,the date and to open your favorite apps.Adding to that also multiple small widgets for power options and lastly on the right two widgets,one to monitor your resources and the other is toggle and change the mic,brightness and the audio volume.
I also created gradient colors for cava that matches the wallpaper with a neofetch config and spotify theme.The spotify theme is from spicetify
Lastly,as show in the picture is a neovim configuration to maximize productivity with mutliple cool plugins installed.
NOTE:You will have to change the HOME path to yours.
NOTE:Don't forget to make all of the bash files executable by using chmod +x /path/to/file
NOTE:You should add your city and an API key in the python script for the weather, you can get one for free from here .