Gitter public chat channel
Auditory experiments using cortical learning algorithms (CLA) and hierarchical temporal memory (HTM).
- Numenta's nupic.critic Audio streaming
- NuMozart Digital (MIDI) streaming and composition
- HTMforGenreClassification Genre classification
- Hackathon scripts and data for Musenta
Note: These repositories currently are all work-in-progress.
Taken from the collection gathered via Gitter channel https://gitter.im/rcrowder/EncodingSpecificityPrinciple -
- From Ear to Primary Cortex
- Anatomy - Ear Overview
- Anatomy - Middle Ear
- Introduction to Biological Audition - Part 1
- Introduction to Biological Audition - Part 2
- Auditory perception in speech technology
- Auditory cortex 1 - Physiology and sound localization
- Auditory cortex 2 - Language; bats and echolocation
https://jp.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/23580/index.pdf Spectral Envelopes in Sound Analysis and Synthesis By Diemo Schwarz, Diplomarbeit Nr. 1622, IRCAM (Institut de la Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique)
Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) with audio appliccations
By Julius O. Smith III, Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) -
The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
By Steven W. Smith, Ph.D. -
Tutorial: Music Signal Processing
By Mark Plumbley and Simon Dixon, Centre for Digital Music (Queen Mary University of London)
- Genre and style classification
- Musical prediction and composition
- Acoustic correlation using canonical correlation analysis (CCA)
- Transient analysis (harmonic tracking)
- Motion derivative encoding (similar to optical flow)
- Echo location and spatial positioning (e.g. Anterior Ventral Cochlea Nucleus)
- Stream segmentation and seperation (includes selective attention)
- Cortical pathways and projections, 'What' and 'Where' pathways (belts?)
- Auditory nerve spike firing (e.g. IHC to CN GBC integrators)
- Dendritic micro-circuits and synaptic placement (temporal smoothing)
- Spike-timing dependent plasticity
- Acetylcholine inhibition enhancing discharge frequency but decreasing synaptic adaption
- Acoustic related cell, and dendrite, membrane properties (cascading conductances, shunting)
An alternative for the encoding of audio signals is the modelling of spike firing of auditory-nerve fibers. A collection of models can be found in the EarLab @ Boston University (http://earlab.bu.edu/ See Modelling -> Downloadable Models). If you plan to use these models, beware of their history and limitations. For example, early models lack some necessary non-linearity in their responses.