Functional module for creating your own guides for dungeons, bosses and mechanics. With this set of features, you can create your guide in any translation, for this you just need to write a simple script and require the tera-guide-core module into your index.js.
The guides based on this module can be found here:
- Complete tools for custom guides creation for your favorite dungeons.
- Support for the features to add your languages translations.
- Built-in GUI support for all guide settings.
- Support for voice notifications (Windows TTS module is used).
- Flexible and powerful functionality for scripting guides.
- Automatically generated dungeon list based on game client files.
- Used modern JavaScript for improved performance.
- To handle all events and hooks used nodejs EventEmitter.
When using TeraToolbox, all dependencies will be installed automatically.
Extract to mods directory in your TeraToolbox.
Make sure it's named tera-guide-core not "tera-guide-core-master".
Распаковать в директорию mods в ваш TeraToolbox.
Директория должна называться tera-guide-core, а не "tera-guide-core-master".
- Create new module for TeraToolbox (index.js, module.json, manifest.json, settings_migrator.js).
- Add necessary code (is given below) to the index.js and module.json.
- Create a folder called guides into root directory of your module.
- Create your own guide script files and place it into guides folder.
Detailed information of guides creating is available here:
"use strict";
module.exports.NetworkMod = function (mod) {
try {
mod.require["tera-guide-core"].load(mod, {
languages: ["en"], // supported languages
colors: { gui: {}, general: {} }, // you can change the color settings here
command: ["guide"], // set your module command(s) name
chat_name: "Guide", // set chat author name for notices
} catch (e) {
mod.error("Warning!\nDepended module \"tera-guide-core\" is needed, but not installed!");
throw e;
Note: The dependencies section cannot be changed.
"disableAutoUpdate": false,
"name": "dungeon-guide",
"options": {
"cliName": "Guide",
"guiName": "Dungeon-Guide",
"settingsFile": "config.json",
"settingsMigrator": "settings_migrator.js",
"settingsVersion": 1.01
"author": "Example",
"description": "The dungeon guide module with TTS notifications.",
"servers": [""],
"dependencies": {
"library": "",
"tera-guide-core": ""
The settings migrator script available here:
If necessary, you can add your own translation of the commands, GUI and dungeon list. To do this, create a lang folder into root directory of your module, add there files strings.js and dungeons.js, and edit them to include your translation. It is recommended to use ISO code to specify the language in the string arrays.
At next edit your settings_migrator.js by changing the language
parameter to specify your language code (the code must match the one specified in the guide files and files above). To specify the your language for message strings in guide files, please use the keys in format message_LANG
(where LANG
is the ISO code of your language), for example: message_RU
Based on this module, many guides have already been created for all dungeons.
The guide script files are available here: