This Repository is made to give beginners a head start for hacktoberfest, and to welcome you all to the open source community.
- Upload or Create File in Specified Language Folder.
- Make sure to follow Hamim Reza & star the repo.
- Firstly Fork my Repository
- Click on Add file
- You can upload your codes (Or create a new file for it)
- Commit your changes
- Make a pull request and that's all
#Happy Coding!✨✨✨
Thanks to these wonderful people ✨
- Fork this repo (button on top)
- Clone on your local machine
git clone
- Navigate to project directory.
cd Hacktoberfest2022
- Create a new Branch
git checkout -b my-new-branch
- Add your contribution
git add .
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m "Relevant message"
- Then push
git push origin my-new-branch
- Create a new pull request from your forked repository
Many of the candidates get attracted towards hacktoberfest to get swags . So, after 4 successfully merged pull request as for 2021 you will be eligible to get a Hacktoberfest T-shirt and Some stickers on your doorstep.
- Who all can contribute?
- Anyone with a github account and who is signed up for hacktoberfest :)
- Are you getting paid for this?
- Sadly no. But we think we should. This is 100% unofficial and we do it for fun, fame and glory.
- Why are you not using digitalocean?
- Because we only know JavaScript and suck at servers. We use now instead.
- How many pull request (PR) must be made, if I want to get an awesome tshirt from Hacktoberfest 2022?
- 4
- How do I track my progress to get an awesome shirt from Hacktoberfest 2022?
- go to :. (Check Out Your Own Stats at Right Top)
- What is the duration of Hacktoberfest 2022?
- It is from 1st october to 31st october 2022...
- What is the event for?
- For the open source community engagement