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  • Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04 LTS


  • Build and install brpc which is the main dependency of HRaftKV

    $ sudo apt-get install -y git g++ make cmake libssl-dev libgflags-dev libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev protobuf-compiler libleveldb-dev
    $ git clone
    $ cd incubator-brpc
    $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
    $ sudo make install
  • Install the dependencies of HRaftKV

    $ sudo apt-get install -y cmake libsnappy-dev librocksdb-dev libboost-all-dev
  • Compile HRaft that build atop Braft with cmake

    $ git clone
    $ cd hraftkv
    $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make
  • Compile HRaftKV

    $ cd example/hraftkv
    $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make

Setup HRaftKV cluster

  • Switch to the HRaftKV directory

    $ cd example/hraftkv
  • Modify the server configuration file at config/server.ini to match your cluster settings

    • Settings specific to each server

      # IP address of the server
      ip_addr = <server_ip>
      # Port of the server
      port = 8100
      # Replication index
      index = 0
    • Switch to enable or disable prioritized leader election

      # Enable prioritized leader election
      enable_ple = true
      # Enable prioritized leader election in PreVote
      enable_pre_vote_ple = true
      # Enable leadership transfer
      enable_leadership_transfer = true
      # Enable the differentiation of formal and probabtionary candidate
      enable_candidate_level = true
    • Dynamic server priority

      # Enable dynamic server priority
      enable_dynamic_priority = true
      # EWMA weight for new latency
      append_entries_ewma_weight = 0.2
      # EWMA update period (in ms)
      append_entries_ewma_timeout_ms = 1000
      # A threshold to update EWMA value, if the appending latency is lower than the threshold, do not update the EWMA value
      append_entries_latency_thresh_us = 1000
      # The mapping between appending latency and server priority
      # MAX stands for maximum value of the latency
      # e.g. For MAX:1,50000:2,30000:3,4000:4: 
      # > 50ms = 1, 30-50ms = 2, 4-30ms = 3, < 4ms = 4
      append_entries_latency_priority_map = MAX:1,50000:2,30000:3,4000:4
    • Multi-Raft

      # Enable Multi-Raft
      multi_raft_enable = true
      # Number of Raft groups (not include group_0)
      multi_raft_num_groups = 3
    • Raft group settings

      • No matter Multi-Raft is enabled or not, the configuration of group_0 must be included in server.ini
      # Group ID
      id = KVStore_0
      # List of raft peers
      # Note that the conf of group_0 must include all servers in the cluster
      # Format: <server_1's ip>:<server_1's port>:<server_1's index>,...
      conf =,,
      # Follow the order of conf, e.g. the first value is the priority of server 1 in group_0
      initial_priority = 5,4,4,4,4
      initial_leader_priority = 5
      # Follow the order of conf, e.g. the first value is the election timeout of server 1 in group_0
      election_timeout_ms = 100,150,150,150,150
  • Start HRaftKV on each server

    $ ./
  • Stop HRaftKV

    $ ./

YCSB Client

  • Clone YCSB from source

    $ git clone git://
  • Copy the hraftkv-binding of YCSB that we provided to the YCSB source directory

    $ cp -R hraftkv/ycsb/hraftkv YCSB
  • Add hraftkv module to pom.xml

  • Build YCSB core and hraftkv-binding

    $ mvn -f ${YCSB_HOME}/pom.xml -pl site.ycsb:core -am package
    $ mvn -f YCSB/pom.xml -pl site.ycsb:hraftkv-binding -am package
  • Define some arguments for executing hraftkv-binding in YCSB

    # Define classpath and db class name
    # Pass the id of group_0 to the client, that is defined in 'server.ini' previously
    # Pass the conf of group_0 to the client, that is defined in 'server.ini' previously
    # If the HRaftKV is run in single Raft mode, set to false,
    # Else, set to true
  • Execute hraftkv-binding in YCSB (Please setup and start the HRaftKV cluster first)

    # Load a YCSB workload
    $ java -cp ${classpath} site.ycsb.Client -load -s -db ${db_class} \
    	-p ${group_id} \
    	-p ${group_conf} \
    	-p ${enable_multi_raft} \
    	-P <path of workload> # It is Capital 'P' for this line
    # Run a YCSB workload
    $ java -cp ${classpath} site.ycsb.Client -t -s -db ${db_class} \
    	-p ${group_id} \
    	-p ${group_conf} \
    	-p ${enable_multi_raft} \
    	-P <path of workload> # It is Capital 'P' for this line
    # Run a YCSB interactive shell
    $ java -cp ${classpath} site.ycsb.CommandLine -db ${db_class} \
    	-p ${group_id} \
    	-p ${group_conf} \
    	-p ${enable_multi_raft}


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