XLXD MULTIMODE REFLECTOR ,customized modified script, allows to adjust in an easy way:
style dashboard select clasic or new
port number ysf reflector
number of enabled modules
default module YSF
xlx reflector number or letters
reflector description xlxd
ambe ssrver address
ambe server port
routine is included that auto restarts reflector xlxd in case of internet loss
apt-get update
apt-get install curl sudo -y
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gitlab.com/hp3icc/easy-xlxd/-/raw/main/xlx-install.sh)"
To extend or change configuration values, just run the script again and configure according to your preference
- Main Config file :
- Service and IP :
- interlink & other files :
- original scrip n5amd without modifications by hp3icc :
- Source xlxd files :
I thank colleagues IU2NAF Diego and G7RZU Simon, for their time and information to successfully modify and customize this scrip at the service of all.
Have fun, good Qso, success in your projects
Esteban Mackay Q.