A Pokémon Generation I/II to Generation III transfer tool
Power On and Off WebOS LG TVs together with your PC
Windows boots straight into Steam Big Picture or Playnite without displaying any Explorer UI elements. GamesDows is intended to emulate Steam OS's "Game Mode" as closely as possible.
Self-hosted game stream host for Moonlight.
rebtd7 / FF13Fix
Forked from Nucleoprotein/OneTweakNGPerformance and bug fixes for the PC versions of FF13 and FF13-2
Personalized Unattended Answer Files that helps automatically debloat and customize Windows 10 & 11 during the installation process.
Add virtual monitors to your windows 10/11 device! Works with VR, OBS, Sunshine, and/or any desktop sharing software.
PFC, but for Chuni (and really small!)
Adds support for Online trading to Pokémon RBY, GSC and RSEFRLG
untoxa / pico-gb-printer
Forked from maxnet/pico-webserverPI Pico Game Boy Printer
Firmware repository for the Funnyplaying FPGA GBC
A set of icons for your Analogue Pocket, allowing you to change the icon associated with the SD card in Windows or Mac OS.
This repository hosts distribution files of FPGA implementations by the Coin-Op Collection release group for the OpenFPGA platform on the Analogue Pocket.
Collection of Extra files to be used on the Analogue Pocket
Pi Pico Game Boy Mobile Adapter USB Implementation
gb-mobile / pokecrystal-mobile-eng
Forked from pret/pokecrystalFork of pokecrystal with Mobile Adapter Features.
Multi-Platform Gamepad Firmware for Raspberry Pi Pico and other RP2040 boards
Raspberry Pi Pico Code for Mobile Adapter GB emulation with real HW!
Pupdate - A thing for updating your Analogue Pocket
GBA Homebrew for trading Pokémon between Gen 3 and Gen 1/2, as well as editing Clock Settings.
A Python recreation of the Mew Machine software.