Sample conversion rules and proofs as a demonstration for our JBI submission
source-to-domain conversion:
source_entity.ttl contains sample source entity data, as displayed in Listing 2 of the paper.
source_to_domain_conversion_rule.n3 contains sample source to domain conversion rule, as displayed in Lisiting 3 of the paper.
source_to_domain_query_rule.n3q contains a sample filtering rule, which passes only the triples generated by the conversion rule (domain entity) as output result. A conversion rule only adds inferenced triples to the input data, a filtering rule is required if the input data (in this example, the source_entity) needs to be excluded from the output result.
domain-to-application conversion:
domain_entity.ttl contains sample domain entity data, the content is consistent to Listing 4 of the paper, the difference is that the domain_entity.ttl file in this project is generated from the source-to-domain conversion.
domain_to_OMOP_conversion_rule.n3 contains sample domain to OMOP conversion rule, as displayed in Listing 5 of the paper.
domain_to_OMOP_query_rule.n3q contains a sample filtering rule, which passes only the triples generated by the conversion rule (OMOP entity) as output result.
The results are generated by EYE with the following commands:
source-to-domain conversion: eye --nope source_entity.ttl source_to_domain_conversion_rule.n3 --query source_to_domain_query_rule.n3q >domain_entity.ttl
The content of the domain_entity.ttl is as displayed in Listing 4.
domain-to-application conversion: eye --nope domain_entity.ttl domain_to_OMOP_conversion_rule.n3 --query domain_to_OMOP_query_rule.n3q >OMOP_entity.ttl
The content of OMO_entity.ttl is as displayed in Listing 6.
As introduced in the paper, EYE can also generate proof for the conversion process. The commands below generates proofs for the above mentioned conversion processes
eye source_entity.ttl source_to_domain_conversion_rule.n3 --query source_to_domain_query_rule.n3q >source_to_domain_proof.n3
eye domain_entity.ttl domain_to_OMOP_conversion_rule.n3 --query domain_to_OMOP_query_rule.n3q >domain_to_omop_proof.n3
In the generated proofs, the object of r:gives shows the conclusions of a conversion process, as what displayed in domain_entity.ttl or OMOP_entity.ttl. The remaining of the proofs records actions such as data extractions or inferences that leads to the conclusions.