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Official Implementation of VoxTracer (ACM MM 2023). By this repo, you can partially reproduce the tracing stage (speaker verification) of our framework.

Thank @Demo36days for helping build this project.


You can install our necessary python3 environment by running this command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

You need to install PyTorch as well. In our case, torch 1.13.1 is installed.

What you should download before running our code

Pre-trained models

In this implementation, we provide the necessary pre-trained models for the tracing stage. The storage locations for all models provided are as follows:

pretrained_models/infer/ # ID Decoder which converts hidden variable z to embedding

pretrained_models/infer/ # Speech Inverter which generates hidden variable z

pretrained_models/spk_emb_VCTK_ge2e # Original Speaker Embeddings

wav_after_aac/kbps/val_32kbps_npy # Audio after lossy transmission

To download our models, please visit: You should download the pretrained_models and place it in the current path.

Data for testing

Due to the very large amount of data, we just provide partial data for testing the traceability in 32kbps-AAC compression. The provided data is randomly selected from our testing set which isn't overlapped with the training set.

First, you should create a new direction in the current path, i.e., mkdir testdata/wav_after_aac/kbps. Then, download val_32kbps_npy from the above link and place it to the newly created path.

It should be noted that the provided audios are compressed into .m4a format using AAC compression, and then decompressed and stored in .npy format, which makes the loading process much faster. If you want to test other compression (like MP3, Opus, and SILK), you should self-prepare your data and self-train your model.



You can execute the tracing stage by running :


The source code will automatically load all pre-trained models above and generate corresponding restored speaker embeddings, based on the compressed audio provided.

After having the restored embeddings, we calculate the cosine similarity between each recovered speaker embedding and the original one, and determine whether the restored embedding is accurate (cosine similarity must exceed the threshold which is calculated by the training set, 0.9513). And the output will be written in output/test_vctk_aac_32kbps_35599.txt.


We provide the training code of the tracing stage in However, if you'd like to build your own model, we strongly advise you to self-prepare your data and model, and self-train your own model.


If you find this useful for your research, please cite our paper:

author = {Ren, Yanzhen and Zhu, Hongcheng and Zhai, Liming and Sun, Zongkun and Shen, Rubing and Wang, Lina},
title = {Who is Speaking Actually? Robust and Versatile Speaker Traceability for Voice Conversion},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9798400701085},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3581783.3612333},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
pages = {8674–8685},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {robustness, versatility, voice conversion, speaker traceability},
location = {Ottawa ON, Canada},
series = {MM '23}


Our codes are influenced by the following repos:


Official Implementation of VoxTracer (MM' 23)







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