This is a simple Vue website that demonstrates how to get started with Vue.js, add authentication, and restrict certain pages from users who aren't logged in. You can clone this project and follow the directions below or check out the tutorial where I cover all the deets step by step!
git clone
npm install
npm run serve
View it in the browser at http://localhost:8080.
We're going to use Auth0 to add authentication to the app.
First, sign up for a free Auth0 account. Once you're registered, you'll be taken to the Auth0 management dashboard.
Click on the big red button that says "Create Application".
Name it "Vue Events" (or anything you'd like), click on "Single Page Web Applications" for "application type", and press "Create".
Now click into "Settings" and fill in some information that Auth0 needs to configure authentication:
Allowed Callback URLs — http://localhost:8080
Allowed Logout URLs — http://localhost:8080
Allowed Web Origins — http://localhost:8080
That's all we need from the dashboard for now, but don't click out yet. We'll need to pull some of these values from the dashboard into our application soon.
Create a file (and add to .gitignore
) for the config values:
touch auth_config.json
Now open up auth_config.json
and paste in:
"domain": "",
"clientId": "yourclientid"
Finding your auth_config
- Head to the Auth0 dashboard
- Click on "Applications" and select your application
- Click on "Settings"
- Copy the value for "Domain" and paste it into
- Copy the value for "Client ID" and paste it into
Now you should be able to sign in to the application and access single event details.