This simple API is to combine Automatic Speech Recognition for Vietnamese and then translate to the other supported langagues from Google Translations client library. I utilized FastAPI for building this (Great opensource for fast and efficient building the API applications).
Please refer to the opensource
Please refer to the opensource
Please refer to the opensource
git pull
cd vietnamese_asr_service
Please download follow by the instruction of the source link (HuggingFace) and then copy all relevant directories and files to 'app/pretrained_models' folder.
docker build -t vi_asr_image .
docker run -d --name vi_asr -p 8000:80 vi_asr_image:latest
or do it locally
uvicorn app.service:app --host --port 8000
pip install pytest
pytest app/
Note: Please note that, there are some common use-cases. You then add more if needed.
Please open the WebUI followed by
And then fill data input such as 'file' and 'data'.