Consuming api by Marvel Developer and showing Heroes(Characters) and Comics by Characters.
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Table of Contents
![search heroes](/hmarques98/MarvelApp-Challenge/raw/main/docs/search_heroes_1.png)
![search heroes](/hmarques98/MarvelApp-Challenge/raw/main/docs/search_heroes_2.png)
![list comics](/hmarques98/MarvelApp-Challenge/raw/main/docs/list_comics.png)
![favorite heroes](/hmarques98/MarvelApp-Challenge/raw/main/docs/favorites.png)
It was built a application using React Native as framework and consuming the api from Developer Marvel Portal. Also used libraries how Storybook, React Query, Plops Js, React Native Animatable and among others.
- Typescript
- React
- React Native
- React Navigation V5
- Storybook
- Styled System
- Styled Components
- Redux-toolkit
- PlopJS
- React Query
- React Native Flipper
- Axios
- React Native Vector Icons
- React Native Animatable
You need to have installed NodeJs and configured on machine and on your OS to run on emulator to Android or simulator in iOS
Clone the repo
git clone
Install NPM packages
npm install or yarn add
To iOS install pods with command`
npx pod install
To run on device or emulator
yarn android #to android
yarn ios #to iOS
In project directory src is all of file to screens and components
The folder plop-templates has all templates to generate templates to create a Component or a Screen.
yarn generate component
npm run generate component
yarn generate screen
npm run generate screen
yarn test
npm run test
The folder storybook has all configuration working storybook library
To see working go to index.js in root directory and change to true the variable: Ex:
const showStorybook = true;
Now go to your application and you will see the library working and components Button, Typography and Box created.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Henrique Marques - @hmarques98_ - [email protected]
Project Link: