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The cfn-lambda-strings function privide to some strings function.

When do you use it

  • Build a string value based on the Parameter
  • Name the cloudformation resoueces.
  • e.g. MetricName in AWS::WAF::Rule allowed only alphanumeric character, so you can choose Camelize. Name in AWS::WAF::Rule allowed user friendly name, so you can choose Titlize.


See here

## Examples

Resources: Id: Type: Custom::Value Properties: ServiceToken: !ImportValue cfn-lambda-strings:LambdaArn Values: - !Ref Environment - !Ref AWS::StackName Outputs: Output: Value: !GetAtt Target.Camelize

## Properties
### Values
- List of string that you want to convert.
- ***Type:*** List of String
- ***Required:*** Yes
- ***Update requires:*** Replacement

## Return Values
### !Ref
### !GetAtt Upper
- Convert value(s) to upper case.
- ***For examples:*** HIXIDEV if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt Lower
- Convert value(s) to lower case.
- ***For examples:*** hixidev if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt Camelize
- Convert values to upper camel case.
- ***For examples:*** HixiDev if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt CamelizeLower
- Convert values to lower camel case.
- ***For examples:*** hixiDev if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt Dasherize
- Convert values to concatenate with `-`.
- ***For examples:*** hIxi-dEv if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt DasherizeLower
- Convert values to lower case and concatenate with `-`.
- ***For examples:*** hixi-dev if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt DasherizeUpper
- Convert values to upper case and concatenate with `-`.
- ***For examples:*** HIXI-DEV if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt Snakelize
- Convert values to concatenate with `_`.
- ***For examples:*** hIxi\_dEv if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt SnakelizeLower
- Convert values to lower case and concatenate with `-`.
- ***For examples:*** hixi\_dev if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt SnakelizeUpper
- Convert values to upper case and concatenate with `-`.
- ***For examples:*** HIXI\_DEV if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt Dotlize
- Convert values to concatenate with `.`.
- ***For examples:*** hIxi.dEv if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt DotlizeLower
- Convert values to lower case and concatenate with `.`.
- ***For examples:*** if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt DotlizeUpper
- Convert values to upper case and concatenate with `.`.
- ***For examples:*** HIXI.DEV if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']
### !GetAtt Titlize
- Convert values to title case.
- ***For examples:*** Hixi Dev if the properties are ['hIxi', 'dEv']

## Contributing
[See here](


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