Unofficial Hive library for Swift.
Using the Swift package manager:
In your Package.swift add:
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .branch("master"))
and run swift package update
. Now you can import Steem
in your Swift project.
To run all tests simply run swift test
, this will run both the unit- and integration-tests. To run them separately use the --filter
flag, e.g. swift test --filter SteemIntegrationTests
Development of the library is best done with Xcode, to generate a .xcodeproj
you need to run swift package generate-xcodeproj
To enable test coverage display go "Scheme > Manage Schemes..." menu item and edit the "Steem-Package" scheme, select the Test configuration and under the Options tab enable "Gather coverage for some targets" and add the Steem
After adding adding more unit tests the swift test --generate-linuxmain
command has to be run and the XCTestManifest changes committed for the tests to be run on Linux.