This module is now integrated into generator-jhipster
repository as React support is now planned in the core generator.
Work is being done on
See this issue for details
A Jhipster based generator to create awesome react + spring boot applications
- Migrate Account modules
- Migrate Admin modules
- support no i18n properly
- support no-sass option
- Add entity sub generator
- Add import-jdl sub generator
- Migrate protractor tests
- Add generator tests
- Add generator travis builds
First, install Yeoman and JHipster, then install generator-jhipster-react using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-jhipster
Clone JHipster and run npm link
inside it.
Clone this project and run npm link
and npm link generator-jhipster
inside it.
Now all the projects are pointing to latest master versions
Now generate your new awesome project:
yo jhipster-react
Make sure to run npm link generator-jhipster-react
within the generated project if you are regenerating it again.
As this is a generator which runs on top of JHipster, we expect you have JHipster and its related tools already installed.
This generator requires Jhipster version 4.1 or greater in order to work
Frontend is working through webpack-dev-server proxy mode feature in order to have an ability to use both frontend & backend server simultaneously. All requests from frontend would be proxied to backend server.
To start frontend server please run the following command:
yarn start
Contributions are welcome. we follow the same contribution guidelines as JHipster, check it out here
Apache-2.0 © Deepu KS