Releases: hiero-ledger/hiero-mirror-node
Releases · hiero-ledger/hiero-mirror-node
- Bump version for v0.4.1 #420
- Add missing protobuf response codes #405
Bug Fixes
- Number overflow halting parser on crypto/file/contract update #409
- Long overflow when future expiration time #386
- Handle unrecognized transaction types and response codes #381
- V1_11_6__Missing_EntitiesTest Broken #379
- Handle unrecognized transaction types and result ids #168
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- Start and stop cleanly using only systemd. #256
- Remove maxDownloadItems #231
- Remove balanceVerifySigs property #226
- 204 monitoring infrastructure #225
- Remove references to db postgres and db user postgres #224
- Remove deprecated tables and columns from v0.1. #218
- Expose ed25519 key explicitly and remove admin_key in t_entities #217
- Spring Boot & single process #216
- Troubleshooting guide #215
- Update version in pom.xml #212
- Separate circleci steps *package_deliverable #209
- Fix coverage & license badge links #207
- CircleCI: separate out the step for creating a deliverable tarball #206
- Monitoring infrastructure for mirror nodes #204
- Unit tests for the REST API #201
- Spring Boot #198
- CircleCI jacoco test coverage #196
- Add AccountBalancesDownloaderTest #188
- Remove deprecated tables and columns relating to account_balances #175
- Troubleshooting guide #165
- Simple java package deliverable #164
- Require java 11 (LTS) or later #151
- Add code coverage reporting #135
- Delete balanceVerifySigs from config.json.sample and legacy code #134
- Download from S3 in parallel #74
- Expose entity keys in the t_entities_table #56
- Single process mode #41
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the SQL query for /balances?account.publickey api #272
- Balances with publickey is broken #271
- Bug/livehashes2 #268
- Fix record parser continuing to next file after exception #267
- Remove fk_type_id uniqueness check in f_entity_create. #266
- Fix duplicate entities #264
- Bug/livehashes sql on 0.1 release #262
- Record Parser: Failing to complete a file not handled properly #260
- Accounts and balances are missing smart contracts entities #255
- Fix off-by-1 bug in migration that filled in the new ed25519_public_key_hex #253
- Improve download performance [master] #252
- Duplicate entities #251
- Error in sql call from REST API #250
- There is an extra 0 in the ed25519_public_key_hex in t_entities. #248
- /transactions api does not return the expected 1000 entries #246
- Only update entities, via the record stream, if the transaction was successful #242
- Fix record file mismatch race condition (master) #241
- Record stream processor updates entities even when transaction failed #240
- REST API: /transactions returning < 1000 records when it should return 1000 #238
- improve download parallelization #237
- Fix /transactions query performance #236
- REST API: /transactions/ID doesn't return the expected transaction #230
- CryptoCreate initial balance transfer not visible in REST API #229
- Postgres user and database should not be used #223
- Improve query performance for /transactions #220
- Fix DB indexes #219
- Fix db migration error #213
- Force anonymous AWS credentials to be used by downloader when so configured #211
- Handle duplicate transactions correctly by using consensus_ns as the key #210
- Investigate the possible failure in transaction monitoring test on testnet #205
- DB migration error #203
- Increase file descriptor limit for downloader services #200
- Fix RecordDownloaderTest #199
- /accounts API call returns a consensus timestamp that doesn't apply to all returned fields #186
- /transactions API is slow #183
- Downloader code is overriding config.json with users ~/.aws config #127
- lastValidBalanceFileName not updated if file already exists locally #76
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
Bug Fixes
We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!
- Add Systemd service files #187
- Updated accounts.js with the new account_balances table, and fixed th… #179
- Add record downloader tests #170
- Systemd scripts for starting java services #163
- Proxy: Remove HAPI proxying functionality #152
- Remove MirrorNodeProxy code #141
- Eliminate unique constraint on t_transactions TransactionID #128
- Separate out the log files to allow for multiple instances of REST APIs to run parallelly #125
- Create a CONTRIBUTING doc #107
- Make shard_num a property of the application #103
- Update account_balances schema #98
- Fix/live config in db #95
- Rest api features #90
- account_balances schema updates #86
- Logging improvements #84
- REST API returning numeric fields as strings #70
- REST API: Remove offset from the queries #69
- Cleanup logging #68
- Optimise balance load into database #65
- Test balance update with a file containing 5M rows #62
- Use address book file in lieu of nodesInfo.json #61
- Added /accounts and /events. Fixed several bugs. Changed output formats #53
- CircleCI #44
- Move to Java #39
- Perf test #38
- Record stream hashing #37
- Modify EventStreamFileParser to be able to parse EventStreamFile versison3 #35
- Consider writing all state to the database #30
- Modify EventStream file Parser to be able to parse eventStream files with new version #28
- Modify RecordStream File parser to parse File with new hashing #27
- Add EventStream Downloader #18
- event stream parser + downloader #17
- Add analytics base on Events #16
- Store lastValidRCDFile and hash in file other than config.json #15
- Enable balance file signature verification #14
- Balance file name doesn't include nanoseconds #13
- Support new schema in REST API #12
- Add CI for build #9
- Use address book for list of nodes rather than nodesInfo.json #6
- Update docker for balance logging #5
- REST API in Docker #4
- Compile source with docker #3
- Save parsed events into database; Design Event schema #2
- EventStream Parser #1
Bug Fixes
- Fixes mirror node breaks when large address book is updated #193
- When address book, that is larger than a single transaction, is updated - mirror node stops processing #192
- 181 incorrect hash calculations #182
- Utility: File Hash Calculation incorrect for v2 record files #181
- CircleCI store artifact on releases tagged with /v.*/ #178
- /balances?timestamp=xxx is broken #177
- Fix balances query performance with related schema changes #176
- REST API: /accounts querying wrong tables (broken). #174
- Query for /balances is slow (~ 5 seconds) #173
- Updating proxy_account_id to fx_prox_acc_id #172
- Entities: Incorrect SQL statement #171
- Updates support for protobuf to match pending network upgrades #166
- Record file hash mismatch #159
- Record file hash mismatch #157
- Fix CircleCI caching #153
- 148 bug freeze transaction missing #149
- RecordFileLogger: Freeze transaction type missing + lower case bug #148
- Renamed V1.6.1 to V1.10.0 #147
- Flyway: 1.6.1 migration is out of sync #143
- Check version of protobuf in pom.xml #138
- RecordFileDownloader re-downloads same files over and over #133
- RecordFileDownloader re-downloads same files over and over #132
- Added 15ms sleep to while loop #131
- RecordFile parser uses 100% CPU #130
- Changed the query for /transactions #129
- The next link in /accounts/{id} is broken #126
- /transactions? API is slow on public testnet #124
- Unique key on t_transactions based on TransactionID should not be unique #122
- Minor fixes to balance file download - addresses #114 #116
- Balance files are not validating signatures on public testnet #114
- Fix record downloader file order - addresses #110 #111
- Recordstream files aren't processed in the correct order #110
- Addresses hash mismatch logging issue #104 #105
- If getStopLoggingIfRecordHashMismatchAfter is not empty, downloader re-downloads same files over and over #104
- Mirror node assumes running from day 0 #101
- Fix/record log bug fixes - Addresses #101 #97
- 91 transactions api performance #92
- /transactions REST API is slow #91
- Remove unnecessary method calls #88
- Fix/flyway fixes #87
- Removed extra file name when downloading balance files - fixes #83 #85
- Balance downloader repeats name when moving to valid #83
- Clear tmp download files on start #82
- Remove ConfigLoader.saveToFile(); #77
- Correcting the sample public testnet address book file #73
- Bug/no partial files - fixes #36 [#71](h...