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@steven-sheehy steven-sheehy released this 28 Feb 16:30

This release was mainly focused on enhancing the stability and performance of the mirror node. We improved the transaction ingestion speed from 600 to about 4000 transactions per second. At the same time, we greatly improved the resiliency and performance of the GRPC module. We also added acceptance tests to test out HCS end to end.

Breaking Change

Please note that one potentially breaking change in this release is to reject subscriptions to topics that don't exist. This avoids the server having to poll repeatedly until it is created and taking up resources for a topic that may never exist. It is expected that clients or the SDK will poll periodically after creating a topic until that topic makes its way to the mirror node. This functionality is hidden behind a feature flag but will slowly be rolled out over the next month.


  • Bump version to v0.6.0 #574
  • Bump version to 0.6.0-rc1 #555
  • Split historical and incoming message retrieval #551
  • Split historical and incoming message retrieval #542
  • Reject subscriptions to topics that don't exist #541
  • Add non_fee_transfers table. #534
  • Acceptance test improvements to support subscribe and publish only scenarios #532
  • Monitor script/service to bounce hedera-mirror-grpc when it gets stuck. #528
  • GRPC Pinger #527
  • Optionally break out fees explicitly in the rest-api results. #516
  • End to End HCS Test #497

Bug Fixes

  • Fix shared poller's buffer #556
  • Specify Bounded Executor for NettyServerBuilder #552
  • RecordFileLogger performing far too many queries against t_entities #550
  • RecordFileLogger performing far too many queries against t_entities. #547
  • Set additional netty properties and memory limits #545
  • Set maxConcurrentCallsPerConnection to prevent excessive calls #540
  • Implement query throttling on grpc connections #536
  • Fix limit set logic and use test start time instead of fixed time #526
  • Handle start and end time arithmetic overflow cases on topic subscribe #523
  • HCS GRPC Server throwing ArithmeticException: long overflow errors #521
  • Record Parser unable to keep up #512
  • Reject subscriptions to topics that don't exist #498


We'd like to thank all the contributors who worked on this release!