This is a simulator and game server for Spellsource, a community-authored card game.
Please see the Issues tab to report bugs or request functionality.
The Spellsource-Server
project is a 2-player card battler that supports hosted, networked gameplay. It features matchmaking, collection management and support for game mechanics that persist between matches.
Cards are located at spellsource-cards-git/src/main/resources/cards/custom.
To implement new effects (called Spells inside Spellsource) add a new Spell subclass to spellsource-game/src/main/java/net/demilich/metastone/game/spells.
You can learn more about the Spellsource AI as implemented in the GameStateValueBehaviour class.
The server application starts in EntryPoint. ./gradlew spellsource:runServer
uses the test EntryPoint. The configuration files are expected to be located in the conf/
directory and matching the pattern spellsource-*.yaml
The client is private, please contact for access on the Discord.
Enable Developer Mode in Windows 10 and greater. Or, follow the instructions here to enable symlinking on Windows headlessly.
Hit Win + X
and click Windows PowerShell (Admin). Then run the following:
# installs chocolatey
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
# install dependencies
wsl --install
choco install -y gsudo git.portable 7zip openjdk vcredist140 docker-desktop dotnet-sdk nvm python gradle
# separately add vs2022 compilation tools with clang
# must be run separately
choco install -y visualstudio2022buildtools
# allows building with il2cpp for Windows
choco install -y visualstudio2022-workload-nativedesktop --package-parameters "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Llvm.Clang --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Llvm.ClangToolset"
# disable realtime monitoring from windows defender, since it interferes with developer workloads
Set-MpPreference -DisableRealtimeMonitoring $true
Then, close the window and restart Windows for Docker Desktop to be enabled.
Once you've rebooted, start Docker Desktop at least once. Observe you may be prompted by "Ubuntu" to set a username and password. This is for your Linux-on-Windows install. There is no right answer, but it is safe to use the username and password of your Windows account.
Hit Win + X
and click Windows Powershell. Do not start a prompt as an admin
. Then run the following:
# install node 22
nvm install 22
nvm use 22
# enable git symlinks in git
git config --global core.symlinks=true
git lfs install
# now clone the repository
cd ~/Documents/
git clone
cd Spellsource
# you are now in the spellsource directory, get the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
You should now be able to run the tests.
gradle test
Start a local server and website using:
gradle runServer
Install Unity 6 with the iOS, macOS, Windows, and Android modules for your platform. You should not install Visual Studio.
In order to visualize the battlefield from the correct camera angle, navigate in the menu Tools | UIT | Projection | Dimetric1x2. Then, click the Eyeball button in the Hierarchy pane on Canvas (UI) to hide it from the Scene view. Select World in the Hierarchy pane, then hit F to focus, then zoom.
To work on a screen, unhide the Canvas (UI), click 2D in the Scene pane, select Root, then change the Screen View | Current screen property in the Inspector to the screen you want to work on. Screen Views will automatically update the current page to whatever you are clicked on, but it is clunky when you click away.
When getting ready to commit, ensure your resolution is Full HD (1920x1080)
, and in the Game pane, uncheck Low Resolution Aspect Ratios, which may only be clickable on Hi-DPI screens. Then, set the Screen View | Current screen to Loading
on the Root game object.
There are four main components:
- The Java server backend:
./gradlew.bat spellsource-server:run
macOS and Linux:./gradlew spellsource-server:run
- The website:
yarn install --immutable; cd spellsource-web; yarn run dev
- The image generator:
./gradlew.bat venv; & .venv/scripts/activate.ps1; comfyui -w ./spellsource-python/workdir
Linux and macOS:./gradlew venv; source .venv/bin/activate; comfyui -w ./spellsource-python/workdir
- The Unity client: Open
in Unity 6, open the Assets/Scenes/Game.unity scene, and hit Play.
Start the Java server backend first, since it also starts Postgres and Redis.
The server is ready to accept connections from clients when you see this message:
11:22:30.497 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO c.hiddenswitch.framework.Application - Started application, now broadcasting
Testing connectivity is easy using toxiproxy
. This will allow you to reproduce issues with disconnecting clients.
brew install toxiproxy
toxiproxy-server -port 8474 -host localhost
# in another tab
toxiproxy-cli create --listen localhost:8082 --upstream localhost:8081 myserver
Now, toggle connectivity:
toxiproxy-cli toggle myserver
Testing the local server on a URL can be performed with:
kubectl delete deployments/proxy svc/proxy -n spellsource || true && ./bin/darwin/arm64/ktunnel expose proxy --node-selector-tags 8081:8081 --namespace=spellsource
Then, place a file in spellsource-client/src/unity/Assets/Resources/Url.txt
- Run
gradle venv
. - Install the Python plugin inside the Plugin Marketplace. By default, this pane is navigated to Installed, make sure to click Marketplace to find it.
- Check *Generate .iml files for modules imported from Gradle in the Gradle settings.
- In Project Structure:
- Visit SDKs and add the
executable for your platform at.venv/bin/python
. - Visit Facets and add the Python facet to your root project. Then select the Python interpreter corresponding to the SDK you added (typically named Spellsource).
- Visit SDKs and add the
Sometimes autocomplete / modules cannot be detected in IntelliJ even after this configuration. Open Project Structure, delete your Python Facet on the root module, add it again, then File > Invalidate Caches.
To enable symlink creation without enabling developer mode, you can use the following script. This requires administrative privileges:
$exportPath = "$env:TEMP\secpol.cfg"
$importPath = "$env:TEMP\secpol_modified.cfg"
$dbPath = "$env:TEMP\secpol.sdb"
secedit /export /cfg "$exportPath"
(Get-Content $exportPath) -replace '^SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege.*$', ("SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege = *S-1-5-32-544,*" + [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().User.Value) | Set-Content $importPath
secedit /import /db "$dbPath" /cfg "$importPath" /overwrite
Remove-Item $exportPath
Remove-Item $importPath
Remove-Item $dbPath
Requirements: Java 21 or later and Docker. Check your current version of Java using java --version
- Install dependencies:
# XCode binaries xcode-select --install # Brew /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" # Docker. Look carefully at any messages brew tells you and do them brew cask install docker # Java (if required) # Install openjdk 21 or later, dotnet 6.0 & gradle 8.3 or higher brew install openjdk dotnet-sdk gradle sudo ln -sfn /usr/local/opt/openjdk/libexec/openjdk.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk.jdk brew link --force openjdk
- Clone the repository:
git clone cd Spellsource
- See Spellsource-specific tasks using
./gradlew tasks --group spellsource
. - Run tests using
./gradlew test
- Start a local server using
./gradlew run
. This will download about 9GB of content.
macOS requires larger receive buffer limits:
sudo sysctl -w kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=33554432
sudo sysctl -w net.inet.udp.recvspace=29554432
Visit the Contribution Guide for more about contributions, including guidelines.
Increase the allprojects.version
in build.gradle
, then merge into the master
I see errors about the Gradle daemon already running.
This is an issue if you are accidentally already running the server in another terminal tab or your IDE. Carefully check that you are not already running the server using a Gradle command.
This is normal when using the IntelliJ IDEs, or when killing Gradle with Ctrl+C on Windows. You can run gradle --stop
to clean these "daemons" (background processes), or restart your computer.
I cannot clone the repository.
The GitHub Desktop app is not supported. Please use the git
command line commands to clone the repository:
git clone
I am having issues with Git Submodules, like failures to download
Public users do not have access to the private repositories that fail to download. You can safely ignore those errors. If you'd like to contribute to the private repositories, like the game client, please use the Discord invite link above and discuss with the team there.
I am seeing issues with too many files open.
On macOS, issue the following commands to increase your per-process limits:
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=5242880
sudo sysctl -w kern.maxfilesperproc=524288
ulimit -n 200000
sudo launchctl limit maxfiles 524288 5242880
is failing.
You had failures in testRandomMassPlay
, the fuzzer for Spellsource. These are real issues.
I uploaded to Steam, but I do not see the build.
Visit the Steam partner's page and promote the build.
I uploaded to TestFlight but the build isn't public yet.
Make sure the Public group is added here.
./gradlew spellsource-server:run
hangs with errorCaused by: org.testcontainers.containers.ContainerLaunchException: Timed out waiting for log output matching '.*waiting for connections on port.*'
Make sure to use your local docker
context using docker context use default
I receive an error starting the server with
gradle spellsource-server:run
of the form:
main ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy Could not find a valid Docker environment. Please check configuration. Attempted configurations were:
Exception in thread "main" 20200811T112136 main ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy UnixSocketClientProviderStrategy: failed with exception InvalidConfigurationException (ping failed). Root cause NoSuchFileException (/var/run/docker.sock)
org.testcontainers.containers.ContainerLaunchException: Container startup failed
main ERROR o.t.d.DockerClientProviderStrategy As no valid configuration was found, execution cannot continue
Restart Docker. Make sure Docker is running.
I cannot connect to the Hidden Switch cluster to deploy the servers.
You need special authorization for this. It is accessed via an audited API key.
Autocomplete, code insight, intellisense or other code completion features are missing when I am trying to write code accessing the generating protobufs definitions, like
In IntelliJ, visit the Help > Edit Custom Properties... menu, then add the following lines:
# custom IntelliJ IDEA properties
I see an error message that reads, in part, "all predefined address pools have been fully subnetted", from docker
Open Docker Desktop, stop all the containers related to Spellsource. Then run docker system prune
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