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Documenting how is built within Eleventy

Among other things, here are some important directories and files at the root of the repo:

  • eleventy.config.js
  • src
  • public
  • _data
  • _config
  • _includes

eleventy.config.js file

eleventy.config is kept at the root of the project. It is the main configuration file of an Eleventy project. It defines which directories are made public, which are used for input and output data.

src directory

The src directory at the root of the project is defined as the main input directory. All pages that are built are kept in it or in one of its subdirectories.

Pages built under src directly


  • src/about.njk
  • src/blogroll.njk: paginates data in _data/blogrollData.js as one final page
  • src/bookmarks.njk: paginates individual files in src/bookmarks as one final page
  • src/colophon.njk
  • src/index.njk: homepage
  • src/media.njk
  • src/now.njk
  • src/posts.njk
  • src/recipes.njk: paginates links to individual recipe posts
  • src/uses.njk

Other special cases:

  • src/search.njk: fallback search page used if the user disabled Javascript
  • src/search-index.njk: template creating the search index JSON file
  • src/feed.njk: template creating the RSS feed /feed.xml

Subdirectories of src

  • src/media: includes all media posts that are linked in
  • src/posts: includes all blog posts that are linked in
  • src/recipes: includes all recipe posts that are linked in The original files are in JSON. They are read by _data/recipeData.js and paginated through the src/recipes/recipe-layout.njk template.
  • src/bookmarks: includes all bookmarks files that are linked in The original files are in JSON. They are read by _data/bookmarkData.js and paginated through the src/bookmarks page.

public directory

The public directory is published as-is and can be accessed from the client.

  • public/img: stores all images
  • public/styles: stores all CSS files

_data and _config directories

  • _data: stores global data files that we can access from anywhere in the project
  • _config: stores custom-made filters and plugins used in the project

_includes directory

The _includes directory stores everything that is template-related. It contains regular NJK files that can be injected in pages and templates. It also has two subdirectories of more specialized template-files:

  • layout: a layout is a template that wraps other content. This website uses two different layouts:
    • _includes/layout/base.njk: The top level HTML structure that wraps all pages.
    • _includes/layout/post.njk: The post template (wrapped inside of base.njk). It is used for generic posts with a post-header.njk at the top, footnotes support and a comment section at the bottom.
  • macro: a macro is a snippet that can be injected in a page or template, its content can be defined when injecting it


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