Creating PWAs apps in your linux distribution automatically
Created by SuperNova Team.
Using an Ubuntu based system you can just:
Installing python
sudo apt-get install python3
Installing node
sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
Installing Nativefier
sudo npm i nativefier -g
- First clone this repository
git clone
- Now you can open the
and configure the apps you want to install. Follow this model for each app:
"name": "the name for your app",
"url": "",
"icon": "name-of-icon-in-icons-page"
note, the icon entry is optional, use it only if you want to change the default icon if you really want to use a custom icon, dont forget to use the right name for the icon
- To run
Just use the terminal in this folder and run:
note: you will need to insert your sudo password to move the .desktop entries to /usr/share/applications folder