Ultra fast image processing for fast loading and scalable React Applications
NOTE: Work in progress!
- Webpack Loader to update image props in JSX at build time
- React component to render the images
- Manual publish to NPM
- Add versioning (likely using semantic release)
- Update github actions config to auto publish on merge to main branch
- Documentation (readme/wikis)
- Consideration of runtime updates (no need to eject webpack config in CRA). This would require adding image meta data to global scope so would have to be an non default option as this isn't ideal if there are significant number of images.
- full integration tests (if practically feasible)
- examples in readme (post NPM publish) for both Next and CRA
- Custom configurations via 'static-image.config.js' file. Includes parameters for:
/* options of 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp', 'tiff' and 'avif' (default all other than 'avif') */
imageFormats: ImageFormat[];
/* width of placeholder thumbnail (before its stretched to fit size of image) in px whilst retaining ratio of original image (default 20(px) */
thumbnailSize: number;
/* additional images of size (width in px) created if smaller than original for the browser to use in smaller viewports (default [640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200, 1920, 2048, 3840]) */
optimisedImageSizes: number[];
/* use the lowest number of colours needed to achieve given quality (default 100) */
optimisedImageColourQuality: number;
/* zlib compression level, 0-9 (default 9) */
optimisedImageCompressionLevel: number;
/* location of directory to recursively search for images to be optimised. (default current working directory) */
imagesBaseDirectory: string;
/* location of directory that allows public assets for your web app. ('/public') */
applicationPublicDirectory: string;
/* location of directory to data that might not be added directory to 'applicationPublicDirectory' like (base64) thumbnails or image meta data */
staticImageMetaDirectory: string;
/* any directories that should be ignored by the library when searching for images to process */
excludedDirectories: string[];
- Added CLI for requesting image processing by user; including progress updates
- Verbose error handling (chained error message with VError) with errors logged to file for helpful debugging.
- Optional conversion of all 'png', 'jpeg', 'webp', 'tiff' and 'avif' file types
- Conversion includes creation of base64 thumbnail (that will eventually be included in the JS bundle for instant load) and optional file sizes as configured in the config file. Defaults to '[640, 750, 828, 1080, 1200, 1920, 2048, 3840]'
- Creation of all images original layout data to ensure zero layout shift on page load
- Creation of unique image fingerprinting in optimised image filename to avoid:
- image file name clashing (from different directories)
- automatic browser cache invalidation on image content being edited (you can add maximum cache invalidation to image header in your static doc bucket)
- Double layer of caching for both local machine and persistent cache for CI
- Cache Invalidation
- MDX plugin to update MAST at build time (for MDX webpack loader only)
Side Note:
- Repo has full unit test coverage and manually tested on a repo with over 6000 images with zero issues.