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CoffeeScript equivalents in ECMAScript6/ES2015

Inspiration from es6-equivalents-in-es5

Note: a few of these examples are taken from CoffeeScript's own website.


Statements as Expressions

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

grade = (student) ->
  unless student?
    throw new Error 'student is required'
  else if student.excellentWork
  else if student.okayStuff
    if student.triedHard then 'B' else 'B-'

eldest = if 24 > 21 then 'Liz' else 'Ike'

ES6 equivalent:

// There is no exact equivalent, but there are ternary expressions for common
// cases like above.
const grade = (student = new Error('student is required')) => {
   if (student.excellentWork) {
    return 'A+';
  } else if (student.okayStuff) {
    return student.triedHard ? 'B' : 'B-';
  } else {
    return 'C';

let eldest = 24 > 21 ? 'Liz' : 'Ike';

Note: you might want to watch discussion on do-expressions if you are interested in this feature. Note that the code below may not reflect the proposal in its current state.

// With current do-expression proposal, stage 0
let grade = student => do {
  if (student == null) {
    throw new Error('student is required')
  } else if (student.excellentWork) {
  } else if (student.okayStuff) {
    student.triedHard ? 'B' : 'B-';
  } else {

Arrow Functions

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

readConfig = (file, parse) ->
  new Promise (resolve) ->
      fs.readFile file, 'utf8', (err, data) =>
        if err?
          reject err
          resolve parse data

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

function readConfig(file, parse) {
  return new Promise(resolve =>
    fs.readFile(file, 'utf8', (err, data) =>
      err != null ?
        reject(err) :


CoffeeScript: cs-doc

race = (winner, runners...) ->
    console.log winner, runners

race 'Bob', runnerList...

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

let race = (winner, ...runners) =>
    console.log(winner, runners);

race('Bob', ...runners);

Array Comprehensions

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

numbers = [ 1, 4, 9 ];
(Math.sqrt num for num in numbers)
# -> [1, 2, 3]

ES6 equivalent:

let numbers = [ 1, 4, 9 ]; => Math.sqrt(num));
// -> [1, 2, 3]

ES7 equivalent: es6-doc

let numbers = [ 1, 4, 9 ];
[for (num of numbers) Math.sqrt(num)];
// -> [1, 2, 3]

Default Params

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

log = (message, level='log') -> console[level](message)

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

let log = (message, level = 'log') => console[level](message);

String interpolation / Template strings

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

container = 'mug'
liquid = 'hot chocolate'
console.log "Filling the #{container} with #{liquid}..."
# -> "Filling the mug with hot chocolate..."

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

let container = 'mug'
   ,liquid = 'hot chocolate';
console.log(`Filling the ${container} with ${liquid}...`);
// -> "Filling the mug with hot chocolate..."

Lexical Scope and Variable safety.

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

inner = 10
value = 20

# literally an IIFE
do (inner = 5, value = 10) ->
  console.log inner # 5

console.log inner # 10

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc (let, const)

let inner = 10;
const value = 20;

// A simple block
  let inner = 5;
  // not an error, despite being a constant in the outer scope
  const value = 10;
  console.log(inner); // 5

console.log(inner); // 10

Function binding

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

hero =
  name: "Batman"
  alterEgo: "Bruce Wayne"
  enemies: ['Two-Face', 'Bane']
  printEnemies: ->
    @enemies.forEach((enemy) =>
      console.log @name + " fights " + enemy);

# -> "Batman fights Two-Face"
# -> "Batman fights Bane"

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

let hero = {
  name: "Batman",
  alterEgo: "Bruce Wayne",
  enemies: ['Two-Face', 'Bane'],
  printEnemies() {
    this.enemies.forEach(enemy =>
      console.log( + " fights " + enemy));

// -> "Batman fights Two-Face"
// -> "Batman fights Bane"

Classes, Inheritance, and Super

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

class Person
  constructor: (@name) ->
    @movement = "walks"

  move: (meters) ->
    console.log "#{@name} #{@movement} #{meters}m."

class Hero extends Person
  constructor: (@name, @movement) ->

  move: ->
    super 500

clark = new Person "Clark Kent"
superman = new Hero "Superman", "flies"

# -> Clark Kent walks 100m.
# -> Superman flies 500m.

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

class Person {
  constructor(name) { = name;
    this.movement = "walks";

  move(meters) {
    console.log(`${} ${this.movement} ${meters}m.`);

class Hero extends Person {
  constructor(name, movement) { = name;
    this.movement = movement;

  move() {

let clark = new Person("Clark Kent");
let superman = new Hero("Superman", "flies");

// -> Clark Kent walks 100m.
// -> Superman flies 500m.

Destructuring Assignment

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

hero =
  name: "Spider-Man"
  alterEgo: "Peter Benjamin Parker"
  enemies: ["Electro", "Doctor Octopus"]

{name, alterEgo} = hero
# name = "Spider-Man"
# alterEgo = "Peter Benjamin Parker"

[head, tail...] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
# head = 1
# tail = [2, 3, 4, 5]

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

let hero = {
  name: "Spider-Man",
  alterEgo: "Peter Benjamin Parker",
  enemies: ["Electro", "Doctor Octopus"]

let {name, alterEgo} = hero;
// name = "Spider-Man"
// alterEgo = "Peter Benjamin Parker"

let [head, ...tail] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
// head = 1
// tail = [2, 3, 4, 5]

Array Slicing

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

part1 = list[0..3]  # with end
part2 = list[0...3] # without end
part3 = list[..3]   # start defaults to 0
part4 = list[3..]   # end defaults to length

clone = list[..] # Clone the array
let part1 = list.slice(0, 3);
let part2 = list.slice(0, 4);
let part3 = list.slice(0, 3);
let part4 = list.slice(3);

// More than one way to clone an array
let clone;
clone = list.slice();
clone = list.concat();

Array Splicing

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

numbers[3..6] = [-3, -4, -5, -6]
numbers[3..6] = list

ES6 equivalent:

numbers.splice(3, 4, -3, -4, -5, -6)
[].splice.apply(numbers, [3, 4].concat(list))


CoffeeScript: cs-doc

numbers = [0...5]
positives = [1...10]

ES6 equivalent:

let numbers = Array(5).map((_, i) => i);
let positives = Array(10).slice(1).map((_, i) => i);

// Or, you can make a custom range function (which is faster)
function range(start, end) {
  if (end == null) [start, end] = [0, start];
  const ret = [];
  while (start < end) ret.push(start++);
  return ret;

Chained Comparisons

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

cholesterol = 127

healthy = 60 < cholesterol < 200

ES6 equivalent:

let cholestrol = 127;

let healthy = 60 < cholestrol && cholestrol < 200;

Block Regular Expressions

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

OPERATOR = /// ^ (
  ?: [-=]>             # function
   | [-+*/%<>&|^!?=]=  # compound assign / compare
   | >>>=?             # zero-fill right shift
   | ([-+:])\1         # doubles
   | ([&|<>])\2=?      # logic / shift
   | \?\.              # soak access
   | \.{2,3}           # range or splat
) ///

ES6 equivalent:

// There isn't really any. This doesn't get the engine-related caching that
// regex literals often get.
let OPERATOR = new RegExp('^(' +
  '?:[-=]>' +             // function
   '|[-+*/%<>&|^!?=]=' +  // compound assign / compare
   '|>>>=?' +             // zero-fill right shift
   '|([-+:])\\1' +        // doubles
   '|([&|<>])\\2=?' +     // logic / shift
   '|\\?\\.' +            // soak access
   '|\\.{2,3}' +          // range or splat

Operators and Aliases

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

  • True: true, yes, on
  • False: false, no, off
  • And: a && b, a and b
  • Or: a || b, a or b
  • Not: !a, not a
  • Equality: a == b, a is b
  • Inequality: a != b, a isnt b
  • Current Instance: @, this
  • Instance Property: @prop, this.prop
  • Contains Property: prop of object
  • Contains Entry: a in b
  • Exponentiation: x ** y
  • Floor Division: x // y
  • Always-positive Modulo: x %% y

ES6 Equivalents: es6-doc

  • True: true
  • False: false
  • And: a && b
  • Or: a || b
  • Not: !a
  • Equality: a === b
  • Inequality: a !== b
  • Current Instance: this
  • Instance Property: this.prop
  • Contains Property: prop in object
  • Contains Entry: a.indexOf(b) >= 0
    • For strings (and arrays in ES7) only: a.includes(b)
    • For iterables in ES6 (such as some DOM nodes): Array.from(a).indexOf(b) >= 0
  • Exponentiation: Math.exp(x, y)
    • ES7: x ** y
  • Always-positive Modulo: (a % b + b) % b


CoffeeScript: cs-doc

identity = (iter) ->
  yield from iter

range = lazyRange 10
range = identity range

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

function *lazyRange(n) {
  for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    yield i;

function* identity(iter) {
  yield* iter

let range = lazyRange(10);
range = identity(range);

Loops and Iteration

CoffeeScript: cs-doc

isOkay = (entry) ->
  # ...

# numbers 0-9
console.log i for i in [0..10]

# evens 0-8
console.log i for i in [0..10] by 2

node = getFirst()
node = while isOkay node

console.log i for i in list

console.log i for i in list when isOkay i

# own object properties
for own prop, value of object
  console.log prop
  console.log object[prop]

ES6 equivalent: es6-doc

function isOkay(entry) {
  // ...

// Standard `for` loops
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

for (let i = 0; i < 10; i += 2) {

let node = getFirst();
while (isOkay(node)) {
  node =;

// `for ... of` loops
for (let i of list) {

for (let i of list) {
  if (isOkay(i)) {

for (let prop of Object.keys(object)) {

// Array methods (last three)
Array.from(list).forEach(i => console.log(i))

Array.from(list).filter(isOkay).forEach(i => console.log(i));

Object.keys(object).forEach(prop => {

Switch Statements

switch day
  when "Mon" then go work
  when "Tue" then go relax
  when "Thu" then go iceFishing
  when "Fri", "Sat"
    if day is bingoDay
      go bingo
      go dancing
  when "Sun" then go church
  else go work

ES6 Equivalent: es6-doc

switch (day) {
case "Mon": go("work"); break;
case "Mon": go("work"); break;
case "Tue": go("relax"); break;
case "Thu": go("iceFishing"); break;
case "Fri": case "Sat":
  if (day === "bingoDay") {
case "Sun": go("church"); break;
default: go("work");



CoffeeScript Equivalents In ES6







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