Releases: helionmusic/rhinobot_heroku
MusicBot release-010620u Heroku Edition
Starting from this release, we have switched to the unofficial fork of the bot maintained by Team-JSB, which has a few developers from the original team and has been promoted in the official Discord support server. As this release contains several fixes as well as some new features, we recommend you update to this release. The fork will be updated regularly unlike the main repo.
To prevent any issues while updating, we strongly suggest you delete and recreate the Heroku application from scratch.
To get started, download the source code zip, extract it and follow the instructions in the readme to set up the bot.
New Features
- Better audio normalization
- Support for Python 3.8
- Spotify URI support without the need to supply API credentials
- Allow customizing embed footers
- Support for Discord’s application teams
- Legacyskip now allows user with no force skip permission to vote, which is more closely to legacy behavior
- Fixed a bug that provided nonsense estimated time due to Youtube-DL returning no duration data
- Reduced repetitive Youtube-DL queries when searching
- Disconnecting the bot via Discord now stops the player from playing
- Remove specific version requirement for[voice], it should now work with the latest version
- Stops the player on error instead of allowing the bot to break if an error occurs during playback
- Fix parsing for dev IDs in config
- Italian translation added
Please note, we only modified the stuff needed to make the bot work on Heroku, everything else is left untouched.
Bot not working? Try updating the dependencies using the instructions given in the readme.
Heroku is not officially supported and you won’t get any support for it on their official Discord server. Please don’t waste your time there asking for help about it. You may open an issue here if you need assistance.
MusicBot release-260819 Heroku Edition
To get started, download the source code zip, extract it and follow the instructions in the readme to set up the bot.
- Fix bug related to deleting entries
- Messages from bots are now ignored, exceptions can be added in the config file
- Fix bug preventing playing playlists that contain some bad entries
- Bots and inactive users in voice channels are now ignored for the sake of autopause
- !perms command now also accepts a user’s name or ID
Changes not included in the Heroku release
- Version number is not retrieved from the GitHub repo like it does in the official version, it simply doesn't work in Heroku and so we have kept the old way and manually updated the version number in the embed footer. There will be zero difference when you use the bot but this info may be useful if you wanna check out the modifications we made in the code compared to the official version.
- Suppress no PATH warning and run with –user flag when using pip with update script
Please note, we only modified the stuff needed to make the bot work on Heroku, everything else is left untouched.
Bot not working? Try updating the dependencies using the instructions given in the readme.
This is an unofficial fork and you won’t get any support for it on their official Discord server. Please don’t waste your time there asking for help about it.
Hotfix for release-120519
This hotfix release of version 120519 includes a fix for issue #26. No other changes are made in this hotfix release.
Download the source code zip, extract it and follow the instructions in the readme to set up the bot.
Bot not working? Try updating the dependencies using the instructions given in the readme.
This is an unofficial fork and you won’t get any support for it on their official Discord server. Please don’t waste your time there asking for help about it.
MusicBot release-120519 Heroku Edition
Starting from this release, we will publish Heroku ready versions of MusicBot on this releases page! This may be useful if you want to use a specific version of the bot instead of the latest version available on this repo.
Simply download the source code zip, extract it and follow the instructions in the readme to set up the bot.
Below is the official change log of release-120519:
- Discard any query arguments from Spotify URIs before we contact Spotify’s API
- Fix a bug with the bot’s now playing counter not updating
- ffmpeg binaries have been updated from 20180307-5ab0ecf -> 20190505-e384f6f (removed in the Heroku version as they’re not needed)
- New option added to allow the bot to message users when their song is being played instead of sending a message to a channel
- New option added to disable now playing messages for automatic entries
- Pass globals to debug command
- Fix an issue where the volume was not updating until a song finished
- Adjusted a check in on_message
Please note, we only modified the stuff needed to make the bot work on Heroku, everything else is left untouched.
Bot not working? Try updating the dependencies using the instructions given in the readme.
This is an unofficial fork and you won’t get any support for it on their official Discord server. Please don’t waste your time there asking for help about it.