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Added the functions for the new AWS/local milestone for the GOES data…
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…. The script can now operate with GOES as a sensor using background files from either AWS S3 bucket or local filesystem.
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tkach940 committed Jul 15, 2021
1 parent 2f1eb38 commit 4423207
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Showing 2 changed files with 110 additions and 116 deletions.
23 changes: 12 additions & 11 deletions oco_vistool_config.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
"date": "2021-06-15",
"geo_upper_left": [15.75, 120],
"geo_lower_right": [14, 121.75],
"date": "2021-06-12",
"geo_upper_left": [36.75, -107.25],
"geo_lower_right": [35, -105.5],
"region": "",
"sensor": "Himawari-08",
"files_loc": "aws",
"sensor": "GOES16_ABI_C",
"files_loc": "local",
"data_home": "/arcdata/goes/grb/goes16",
"oco2_overlay_info": {
"file": "/data/OCO3_product/OCO3_L2_Standard.EarlyR/2021/166/oco3_L2StdSC_11976a_210615_B10211_210616050548.h5",
"variable": "/RetrievalResults/xco2",
"file": "/data/OCO3_IOC/Ops_B10211_r01/2021/06/12/L1bSc/oco3_L1bScSC_11939a_210612_B10211_210613135727.h5",
"variable": "/SoundingMeasurements/rad_continuum_o2",
"lat_name": "/RetrievalGeometry/retrieval_vertex_latitude",
"lon_name": "/RetrievalGeometry/retrieval_vertex_longitude",
"orbit": 11976,
"lat_name": "/FootprintGeometry/footprint_vertex_latitude",
"lon_name": "/FootprintGeometry/footprint_vertex_longitude",
"orbit": 11939,
"lite_QF": "all",
"lite_warn_lims": [0, 15],
"footprint": [1, 8],
Expand All @@ -23,7 +24,7 @@
"ground_site": [],
"city_labels": "",
"out_plot_dir": "",
"out_plot_name": "",
"out_plot_name": "brisbane_aws_co2.png",
"out_data_dir": "",
"out_data_name": ""
203 changes: 98 additions & 105 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
import boto3
import botocore

import fnmatch

from oco_vistool import read_shp

# to get the location of the city data (a subdir from where the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,113 +78,19 @@ def _approx_scanline_time(stime, etime, lat, domain):
return scan_time

def get_ABI_files(datetime_utc, center_lat, data_home,
sensor, verbose=False):
find the file list for an ABI domain, given an input date.
this will find the images (for bands 1,2,3) closest to the UTC
date time. If there are no files within 1 hour, throws exception.
datetime_utc: a python datetime object (in UTC) with the requested time.
data_home: string containing path to local ABI file archive
sensor: string containing GOES sensor and mode, (C)ONUS or (F)ull disk.
examples: GOES16_ABI_C or GOES17_ABI_F
verbose: set to True to print more information to console
file_list: list of strings containing full paths to the located files.
should contain 3 (for each of bands 1,2,3)
time_offsets: the time offsets (in seconds) between the input
datetime_utc and the start times of the ABI images.
Implementation notes:
the data_home is assumed to contain a directory tree with the following
layout, containing the ABI netCDF4 files:
|-- ....
<etc for other bands>
|-- ....
<etc for other bands>
|-- ....
for example, the first CONUS Band 1 file for 2018:
For the time offset calculation; there is not a straightforward
time for each series of scan lines in the L1b image. As a simple
approximation, we assume the data collection time is a linear ramp
between the start and end times (as encoded in the filename), and
that this ramp can be mapped in terms of latitude only. For a CONUS
image, we assume the ramp runs between latitude: 15 - 50 (approx.
CONUS coverage), and for Full Disk, between -81 and 81 (which is
roughly the full disk coverage from the Geo position.)
This approximation ignores any misalignment of the scans with respect
to parallels (lines of constant latitude) on the Earth surface; and
the curvature of the scan lines as the scans move away from the equator;
and ignores details of the true scan pattern. The true scan pattern
would necessarily include time gaps between scans, and each scan itself
has a finite time for collection; The simple approximation here, treats
each East-West scan as an instantenous collection, and the scans are
continuously and smoothly collected from the start to end time.
Put together, I think the different approximations here should incur
errors smaller than +/- 0.5 minutes, so it should be better than just
assuming the whole image was collected simultaneous at the mid time
(in which case the error could be up to the image revisit time, e.g.
5 minutes for CONUS or 10 minutes for Full disk)

domain = sensor[-1]
platform = sensor.split('_')[0]

valid_domains = 'C', 'F'
if domain not in valid_domains:
raise ValueError('domain must be in '+str(valid_domains))
valid_platforms = 'GOES16', 'GOES17'
if platform not in valid_platforms:
raise ValueError('platform must be in '+str(valid_platforms))
# code used in filename is G16 or G17 for GOES16, GOES17.
platform = platform.replace('GOES','G')

# search within hour of input datetime, and +/-1 hour
def get_loc_ABI_files(datetime_utc, data_home, domain, platform, hour_offsets, band_list, glob_fstr, verbose):
flists = collections.defaultdict(list)
band_list = (1,2,3)
hour_offsets = (-1,0,1)

# makes a glob string to match by s-time (I think, start time.)
glob_fstr = ('OR_ABI-L1b-Rad{0:1s}'+

for hour_offset, band in itertools.product(hour_offsets, band_list):

dt = datetime_utc - datetime.timedelta(hours=hour_offset)

if verbose:
print('Searching for data at hour: '+str(dt))
y_dir = dt.strftime('%Y')
ymdd_dir = dt.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%j')

# four "?" for the MMSS, and then one more for a character at
# the end, I am not sure about (frac second?)
stimestamp = dt.strftime('%Y%j%H') + '????' + '?'
ddir = os.path.join(data_home, y_dir, ymdd_dir,
'abi', 'L1b', 'Rad'+domain)
if verbose:
Expand All @@ -198,9 +106,88 @@ def get_ABI_files(datetime_utc, center_lat, data_home,
print('glob: '+glob_str)

located_files = glob.glob(glob_str)
flists[band] += located_files
return flists

def get_aws_ABI_files(datetime_utc, data_home, domain, platform, hour_offsets, band_list, glob_fstr, verbose):
aws_keys = pd.read_csv('Keys.csv', header = 0)
s3 = boto3.resource('s3', aws_access_key_id = aws_keys['aws_access_key_id'].values[0], aws_secret_access_key = aws_keys['aws_secret_access_key'].values[0])

if (platform[-2:] == '16'):
g_bucket = s3.Bucket('noaa-goes16')
g_bucket = s3.Bucket('noaa-goes17')

flists = collections.defaultdict(list)
for hour_offset, band in itertools.product(hour_offsets, band_list):
dt = datetime_utc - datetime.timedelta(hours=hour_offset)
if verbose:
print('Searching for data at hour: '+str(dt))

y_dir = dt.strftime('%Y')
dayY_dir = dt.strftime('%j')
h_dir = dt.strftime('%H')

# four "?" for the MMSS, and then one more for a character at
# the end, I am not sure about (frac second?)
stimestamp = dt.strftime('%Y%j%H') + '????' + '?'
ddir = os.path.join('ABI-L1b-Rad' + domain, y_dir, dayY_dir, h_dir)
g_path = ddir + '/'
g_files = g_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=g_path)

glob_str = os.path.join(ddir,glob_fstr.format(domain, band, platform, stimestamp))
if verbose:
print('glob: '+glob_str)

keys = list()
for g_file in g_files:
located_files = fnmatch.filter(keys, glob_str)
flists[band] += located_files
return flists, g_bucket

def download_aws_ABI_files(flist, g_bucket, platform):
files = list()
for needed_path in flist:
g_files = g_bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=needed_path)
for g_file in g_files:
if not (os.path.isfile(platform + '/' + g_file.key)):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(platform + '/' + g_file.key)):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(platform + '/' + g_file.key))
g_bucket.download_file(g_file.key, platform + '/' + g_file.key)
files.extend(glob.glob(platform + '/' + g_file.key))
files.extend(glob.glob(platform + '/' + g_file.key))

flist = list(set(files))
return flist

def get_ABI_files(datetime_utc, center_lat,
sensor, files_loc, data_home = None, verbose=False):
domain = sensor[-1]
platform = sensor.split('_')[0]

valid_domains = 'C', 'F'
if domain not in valid_domains:
raise ValueError('domain must be in '+str(valid_domains))
valid_platforms = 'GOES16', 'GOES17'
if platform not in valid_platforms:
raise ValueError('platform must be in '+str(valid_platforms))
# code used in filename is G16 or G17 for GOES16, GOES17.
platform = platform.replace('GOES','G')

# search within hour of input datetime, and +/-1 hour
band_list = (1,2,3)
hour_offsets = (-1,0,1)
# makes a glob string to match by s-time (I think, start time.)
glob_fstr = ('OR_ABI-L1b-Rad{0:1s}'+

if (files_loc == 'aws'):
flists, g_bucket = get_aws_ABI_files(datetime_utc, data_home, domain, platform, hour_offsets, band_list, glob_fstr, verbose)
flists = get_loc_ABI_files(datetime_utc, data_home, domain, platform, hour_offsets, band_list, glob_fstr, verbose)

# have a set of 3-hour long lists of files, now just find the one with the
# smallest time offset to the input datetime_utc.
flist = []
Expand All @@ -224,6 +211,9 @@ def get_ABI_files(datetime_utc, center_lat, data_home,

if (files_loc == 'aws'):
flist = download_aws_ABI_files(flist, g_bucket, platform)

return flist, time_offset

def get_AHI_files(datetime_utc, data_home = None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -252,21 +242,20 @@ def get_AHI_files(datetime_utc, data_home = None):
for hima_file in hima_files:
for band in bands_list:
if '_B0' + str(band) + '_' in hima_file.key:
if not (os.path.isfile('Hima/' + hima_file.key[:-4]) and os.path.isfile('Hima/' + hima_file.key)):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname('Hima/' + hima_file.key)):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname('Hima/' + hima_file.key))
hima_bucket.download_file(hima_file.key, 'Hima/' + hima_file.key)
if not (os.path.isfile('Himawari-08/' + hima_file.key[:-4]) or os.path.isfile('Himawari-08/' + hima_file.key)):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname('Himawari-08/' + hima_file.key)):
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname('Himawari-08/' + hima_file.key))
hima_bucket.download_file(hima_file.key, 'Himawari-08/' + hima_file.key)
files.extend(glob.glob('Hima/' + hima_file.key[:-4]))
for filename in glob.glob('Hima/' + hima_path + '*.bz2'):
files.extend(glob.glob('Himawari-08/' + hima_file.key[:-4]))
for filename in glob.glob('Himawari-08/' + hima_path + '*.bz2'):
zipfile = bz2.BZ2File(filename) # open the file
data = # get the decompressed data
newfilename = filename[:-4] # assuming the filepath ends with .bz2
open(newfilename, 'wb').write(data) # write a uncompressed file
files = list(set(files))
return files

def get_scene_obj(file_list, latlon_extent, sensor, width=750, height=750,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -662,8 +651,12 @@ def nonworldview_overlay_plot(cfg_d, ovr_d, odat, out_plot_name=None,

center_lat = (cfg_d['lat_lr'] + cfg_d['lat_ul']) / 2.0
if (cfg_d['sensor'].startswith('GOES')):
file_list, time_offsets = get_ABI_files(
dt, center_lat, cfg_d['data_home'], cfg_d['sensor'])
if (cfg_d['files_loc'] == 'local'):
file_list, time_offsets = get_ABI_files(
dt, center_lat, cfg_d['sensor'], cfg_d['files_loc'], cfg_d['data_home'])
file_list, time_offsets = get_ABI_files(
dt, center_lat, cfg_d['sensor'], cfg_d['files_loc'])
mean_time_offset = np.mean(time_offsets)/60.0
if (cfg_d['files_loc'] == 'local'):
Expand Down

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