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Merge branch 'aronnem-oco3_L1L2_experiments'
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Information from Aronne:
* I did want the ability to retain that long plot title with filename and time offset info; so the behavior in the current branch, is the following: if the plot title is “auto”, then you get the long plot title as before (with filenames and time offsets in the GOES case). If the plot title is anything else, then just send that to the MPL set_title directly. So you can turn off the plot title by setting an empty string (the default).

* I had to work through various things to get it to work with GOES16/17, and caught an important time bug. All SSEC linux servers have their time zones set to UTC, so I never realized the difference between datetime.utcfromtimestamp and datetime.fromtimestamp.

* updated a regexp you had written in the original version, so it will deal with filenames for B10+

* updated the code to be able to plot directly from L2Std
  • Loading branch information
Heather Cronk committed Jul 27, 2020
2 parents 109ad4e + 0978488 commit 0481ff9
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Showing 3 changed files with 164 additions and 74 deletions.
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion annotated_json_format.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ Top level JSON specification:

Required fields
date: year-month-day "YYYY-MM-DD" format
date: year-month-day "YYYY-MM-DD" format, optionally with hours-minutes-
seconds in "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" format. The full format (with h:m:s)
is useful for ABI-derived images, when a specific time is needed
(unlike the MODIS-Aqua RGB which is once per day).
sensor: string sensor name, one of: "MODIS" to retrieve MODIS-Aqua RGB
imagery from NASA Worldview; GOES16_ABI_C or GOES16_ABI_F for ABI
RGB imagery from GOES-16, from (C)ONUS or (F)ull disk data.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,3 +118,14 @@ make_background_image: set to 1, to make an additional plot containing the
to using transparency as a way to see both the overlay data and the RGB
background image. If the field is skipped, or set to zero, then only
the full overlay data image is created.
plot_title: this is an arbitrary string, that will be directly used as the
plot title for the produced image. By default this is an empty string,
which means no plot title will be included in the image.
If this is set to "auto", then the code will automatically create a plot
title that has key information about the matchup.
For a MODIS background, the title will include the filename
containing the overlay data (if used), a label that describes the source
(MODIS-Aqua on Worldview), and the image file creation date.
For a GOES-ABI background, this includes similar information, but also
includes the ABI filename used for the background, as well as the time
offset to the overlay data.
143 changes: 101 additions & 42 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ def _process_overlay_dict(input_dict):

ovr_d['version_number'] = re.sub(
"[A-Za-z_]", "","_B[0-9a-z]{,5}_",os.path.basename(ovr_d['var_file'])).group())
"[A-Za-z_]", "","_B[0-9a-z]{0,6}_",os.path.basename(ovr_d['var_file'])).group())

if int(ovr_d['version_number']) < 9000:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ def _process_overlay_dict(input_dict):

ovr_d['version_file_tag'] =
"_B[0-9a-z]{,5}_", os.path.basename(ovr_d['var_file'])).group()[:-1]
"_B[0-9a-z]{0,6}_", os.path.basename(ovr_d['var_file'])).group()[:-1]

if ovr_d['sif_or_co2'] == "CO2":
if ovr_d['warn']:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,10 +423,11 @@ def process_config_dict(input_dict):
city_labels: color to use for city labels, or None, ""
datetime: python datetime object for date.
sensor: a string with the sensor data to use for the background image.
options: "MODIS" or "GOES16_ABI"
options: "MODIS" or GOES16, 17, (C)ONUS or (F)ull disk, specified
as GOESNN_ABI_M; NN is 16 or 17, M is "C" or "F".
resample_method: a string with a resample method sent to satpy based
image display (e.g., only for GOES16_ABI at the moment)
data_home: a string path to local data archive (needed for GOES16_ABI)
image display (used for the GOES imagery handled by satpy)
data_home: a string path to local data archive (needed for GOES ABI)
overlay_dict: a dictionary containing information related to the
OCO-2 data overlay for the plot
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,16 +481,21 @@ def process_config_dict(input_dict):
if cfg_d['city_labels'] == "":
cfg_d['city_labels'] = None

cfg_d['out_plot_title'] = input_dict.get('plot_title', '')
cfg_d['out_plot_dir'] = input_dict.get('out_plot_dir', '')
cfg_d['out_plot_name'] = input_dict.get('out_plot_name', '')
cfg_d['out_data_dir'] = input_dict.get('out_data_dir', '')
cfg_d['out_data_name'] = input_dict.get('out_data_name', '')

# now do various checks.
cfg_d['datetime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(cfg_d['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
if len(cfg_d['date']) == 10:
cfg_d['datetime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(cfg_d['date'], '%Y-%m-%d')
cfg_d['datetime'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(cfg_d['date'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
raise ValueError('input field "date" has incorrect format, expecting YYYY-MM-DD')
raise ValueError('input field "date" has incorrect format, '+
'expecting "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss"')

if cfg_d['ground_site']:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,7 +529,9 @@ def process_config_dict(input_dict):
cfg_d['sensor'] = input_dict.get('sensor', 'MODIS')
if cfg_d['sensor'] == "":
cfg_d['sensor'] = 'MODIS'
valid_sensor_names = ('MODIS', 'GOES16_ABI_C', 'GOES16_ABI_F')
valid_sensor_names = ('MODIS', 'GOES16_ABI_C', 'GOES16_ABI_F',
'GOES17_ABI_C', 'GOES17_ABI_F',)

if cfg_d['sensor'] not in valid_sensor_names:
raise ValueError('sensor name: ' + cfg_d['sensor'] + ' is not valid')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -668,29 +676,78 @@ def load_OCO2_L1L2_overlay_data(ovr_d, load_view_geom=False):

h5 = h5py.File(ovr_d['var_file'], "r")

if ovr_d['frame_limit_max'] is None:
frame_slice = slice(ovr_d['frame_limit_min'],None)
# SoundingGeometry means this is L1b, or L2 preprocessor,
# and the data is 2D [nframe, 8]/
if 'SoundingGeometry' in h5:

if ovr_d['frame_limit_max'] is None:
frame_slice = slice(ovr_d['frame_limit_min'],None)
frame_slice = slice(ovr_d['frame_limit_min'],

lat_data = h5[ovr_d['lat_name']][frame_slice,...]
lon_data = h5[ovr_d['lon_name']][frame_slice,...]
var_data = h5[ovr_d['var_name']][frame_slice,...]

hgrp = h5['SoundingGeometry']
sounding_id = hgrp['sounding_id'][frame_slice, ...]
timestamps = hgrp['sounding_time_tai93'][frame_slice,...]
sounding_qf = hgrp['sounding_qual_flag'][frame_slice,...]
if load_view_geom:
solar_azi = hgrp['sounding_solar_azimuth'][frame_slice,...]
solar_zen = hgrp['sounding_solar_zenith'][frame_slice,...]
sensor_azi = hgrp['sounding_azimuth'][frame_slice,...]
sensor_zen = hgrp['sounding_zenith'][frame_slice,...]

elif ('RetrievalGeometry' in h5) and ('RetrievalHeader' in h5):

# Otherwise this is L2Std. Here, we need to translate the frame range
# into L2 index range; the latter is flattened (1D) sparse subsample
# of the original L1 grid.
# note we also make a fake 2nd dimen with 1 element (the np.newaxis)
hgrp = h5['RetrievalHeader']
frame_index = hgrp['frame_index'][:]
if ovr_d['frame_limit_min'] is None:
start_idx = None
start_idx = frame_index.searchsorted(ovr_d['frame_limit_min'])

if ovr_d['frame_limit_max'] is None:
stop_idx = None
stop_idx = frame_index.searchsorted(ovr_d['frame_limit_max']+1)

frame_slice = slice(start_idx, stop_idx)

lat_data = h5[ovr_d['lat_name']][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
lon_data = h5[ovr_d['lon_name']][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
var_data = h5[ovr_d['var_name']][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]

sounding_id = hgrp['sounding_id'][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
timestamps = hgrp['retrieval_time_tai93'][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
# in this case, there are no sounding_QF>1 (bad) samples, those
# are not sent to L2Std for processing.
sounding_qf = np.zeros(sounding_id.shape, np.bool)

if load_view_geom:
hgrp = h5['RetrievalGeometry']
solar_azi = hgrp['retrieval_solar_azimuth'][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
solar_zen = hgrp['retrieval_solar_zenith'][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
sensor_azi = hgrp['retrieval_azimuth'][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]
sensor_zen = hgrp['retrieval_zenith'][:][frame_slice,np.newaxis]

frame_slice = slice(ovr_d['frame_limit_min'],

lat_data = h5[ovr_d['lat_name']][frame_slice,...]
lon_data = h5[ovr_d['lon_name']][frame_slice,...]
var_data = h5[ovr_d['var_name']][frame_slice,...]
sounding_id = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_id'][frame_slice, ...]
timestamps = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_time_tai93'][frame_slice,...]
sounding_qf = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_qual_flag'][frame_slice,...]
raise ValueError('Cannot locate Geometry data, is this a normal L1/L2 file?')

dt = datetime.datetime(1993,1,1) - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)
timestamps += dt.total_seconds()

lat_data += ovr_d['lat_shift']
lon_data += ovr_d['lon_shift']

if load_view_geom:
solar_azi = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_solar_azimuth'][frame_slice,...]
solar_zen = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_solar_zenith'][frame_slice,...]
sensor_azi = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_azimuth'][frame_slice,...]
sensor_zen = h5['SoundingGeometry/sounding_zenith'][frame_slice,...]

dd['data_long_name'] = ovr_d['var_name'].split('/')[-1]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -936,7 +993,7 @@ def load_OCO2_Lite_overlay_data(ovr_d):

def do_modis_overlay_plot(
geo_upper_left, geo_lower_right, date,
var_lat, var_lon, var_vals, var_vals_missing=None, lite_sid=np.empty([]),
var_lat, var_lon, var_vals, plot_title, var_vals_missing=None, lite_sid=np.empty([]),
var_lims=None, interest_pt=None,
cmap='jet', alpha=1, lat_name=None, lon_name=None, var_name=None,
out_plot="vistool_output.png", var_label=None, cities=None,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1127,16 +1184,21 @@ def do_modis_overlay_plot(
ax.scatter(var_lon, var_lat, c=cmap, edgecolor='none', s=2)

todays_date ='%Y-%m-%d')
if var_file:
ax.set_title('Overlay data from '+
os.path.split(ovr_d['var_file'])[1] +
'\nbackground image from MODIS-Aqua on Worldview' +
'\nplot created on ' + todays_date,

if plot_title == 'auto':
if var_file:
ax.set_title('Overlay data from '+
os.path.split(ovr_d['var_file'])[1] +
'\nbackground image from MODIS-Aqua on Worldview' +
'\nplot created on ' + todays_date,
ax.set_title('background image from MODIS-Aqua on Worldview' +
'\nplot created on ' + todays_date,
ax.set_title('background image from MODIS-Aqua on Worldview' +
'\nplot created on ' + todays_date,
ax.set_title(plot_title, size='x-small')

# during testing, it appears that sometimes the scatter
# could cause MPL to shift the axis range - I think because one
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1238,7 +1300,7 @@ def do_modis_overlay_plot(
make_background_image = ovr_d['make_background_image']
# there can be an overlay dict, but it might have no data.
if len(odat['time']) > 0:
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(np.mean(odat['time']))
dt = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(np.mean(odat['time']))
cfg_d['datetime'] = dt
make_background_image = True
Expand All @@ -1256,12 +1318,10 @@ def do_modis_overlay_plot(
np.array([]), np.array([]),
interest_pt=cfg_d['ground_site'], cmap='black',
out_plot=out_plot_fullpath, cities=cfg_d['city_labels'])
elif cfg_d['sensor'].startswith('GOES16_ABI'):
elif cfg_d['sensor'].startswith('GOES'):
import satpy_overlay_plots
GOES_domain = cfg_d['sensor'].split('_')[-1]
cfg_d, None, None, domain = GOES_domain,
cfg_d, None, None, out_plot_name=out_plot_fullpath)
raise ValueError('Unknown sensor: '+cfg_d['sensor'])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1310,6 +1370,7 @@ def do_modis_overlay_plot(
cfg_d['geo_upper_left'], cfg_d['geo_lower_right'],
cfg_d['date'], odat['lat'], odat['lon'], odat['var_data'],
var_lims=ovr_d['var_lims'], interest_pt=cfg_d['ground_site'],
Expand All @@ -1319,12 +1380,10 @@ def do_modis_overlay_plot(
var_label=cbar_name, cities=cfg_d['city_labels'],
elif cfg_d['sensor'].startswith('GOES16_ABI'):
elif cfg_d['sensor'].startswith('GOES'):
import satpy_overlay_plots
GOES_domain = cfg_d['sensor'].split('_')[-1]
cfg_d, ovr_d, odat, var_label=cbar_name,
raise ValueError('Unknown sensor: '+cfg_d['sensor'])
Expand Down

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