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Learning TypeScript

Just one of the things I'm learning.

Static type checking. CLI tool to transpile to JavaScript that can run on older browsers too. Also can use constructor parameter public keyword as a shorthand to automatically add properties to a class. I think I really like the interface and enum part of TypeScript (e.g. as a consult-able in-code reference to help you/others remember what inputs to include or optionally have).

Why bother with types: For me, type checking is not only for preventing errors, but also to remind you of what data or functions you need to implement. It's like automatically-generated documentation.

Try it live in your browser

Official Website's Playground:

Try it locally with CLI

npm install -g typescript

and then

tsc code-to-compile.ts


tsc code-to-compile.ts --outDir output


tsc code-to-compile.ts --outFile output/output.js

More CLI transpiler options:

Some notes on classes, interfaces, extends, implements, and abstract:

  • extends and abstract -> enforce implementation of abstract functions in things that extend an abstract class.

  • implements and abstract -> enforce implementation of abstract functions in things that implement an interface.

  • extends (for a class) = implements (for an interface).

  • But extends lets you reuse functions from the base class.

  • An interface is just a “contract” with no implementation, but is helpful in other ways.

  • extends does NOT enforce implementation, but the abstract key word in the base class DOES enforce implementation.

  • class props are inherited, while interface props are not inherited, they're a contract of things you have to implement

  • class prop abstract = interface prop, in that both are a contract of things of you to implement, but a class can also have things you inherit

  • how to intentionally "hide"/"exclude" inherited props: you can instantiate with a child subclass (more props) and then type the param with the parent class (less props):

    interface child implements parent
    class child extends parent
    // you can:
    const data: child // many props
    someFunction(data) // (data: parent) in the function, still works since it's a subset of props
    public someFunction(data: parent) {
        data.lessProps // typed as parent (still transpiles with all props, but has child props hidden for typescript DX)

A YouTube Tutorial I'm Following -> youtube-tutorial sub-folder.

# you should have tsc installed:
tsc --version
# transpile:
tsc main.ts --watch # or just: tsc main

And then you can stop and then run the compiled code in CLI:

# run js file:
node main.js
function getFullNameScalable(person: Person): string {
  return person.firstName + " " + person.lastName;
interface Person {
  firstName: string;
  middleName?: string; // optional
  lastName: string;
let person = {
  firstName: "Bruce",
  lastName: "Wayne",

(Aside: TypeScript defaults class members to public.)

TypeScript decorators

interface vs type keywords

  • interfaces are restricted to object type, but tend to be used more than types anyways
  • interfaces can be merged, type can't
  • type aliases can use computed properties: type Keys = "firstname" | "surname"
    • but it can do more than enum: type Container<T> = { value: T }; (generic)

How to use .d.ts files (type declaration files)

Type declaration files are what tells TS what types things have, to give you those helpful hover messages, autocomplete, etc.

Example: to get type declarations for node (if it doesn’t already come with its own type files bundled in):

npm install --save-dev @types/node

or (has example library and consumer)

Example .d.ts files for example .js files

More examples

miscellaneous other notes


Learning TypeScript






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