Vault is only needed if you are going to use the economy features. You can find it here: (
- wooltrees.plant
- Allows a user to plant wool trees with dye.
- wooltrees.ignorecost
- Allow a user to plant for free no matter what the cost is.
- wooltrees.adjust
- Allows in-game commands to adjust config values
- </wooltrees,/wt,/wt help> Brings up the help menu with the commands.
- </wooltrees,/wt> defgen <true,false> Default Generation (Old WoolTrees method)
- </wooltrees,/wt> tree <0-100> % of a wool tree spawning.
- </wooltrees,/wt> big <0-100> % of trees that become big trees.
- </wooltrees,/wt> cost <0+> Cost to plant a tree.
- </wooltrees,/wt> check <true,false> Height Check. (Checks if the trunk is blocked)
- </wooltrees,/wt> light <0-15> Light Level needed for a tree to spawn.
- </wooltrees,/wt> bonegen <true,false> Bonemeal Generation
- </wooltrees,/wt> natgen <true,false> Natural Generation (Random tree spawns)
- </wooltrees,/wt> wool <0-100> % of wool blocks not replaced with air.
- </wooltrees,/wt> pattern <true,false> Pattern Trees.
- </wooltrees,/wt> trunk <true,false> Wool Trunks.
- </wooltrees,/wt> here [wool%] [big] [color(s)]
- Allows in-game commands to adjust config values