Leiningen plugin that pings websites/urls.
To use this for project-level plugins please do next steps.
Put [lein-ping "0.1.0"]
into the ':plugins' vector of your project.clj.
Add list of URLs that you want to ping into the ':ping-urls' vector of your project.clj. E.x.
:ping-urls ["http://blog.hashobject.com/"]
Then just run
lein ping
This is great tool for web apps deployed on Heroku. If you have only one dyno for your app it will fall asleep after 30 minutes of inactivity. See docs for more details on this. To avoid such behaviour you can ping your web app periodically.
To do this you need to use Heroku's scheduler addon. See docs for more details.
After installing addon and adding lein-ping plugin to your project.clj you can just configure 'lein ping' command to run every 10 minutes.
We love contributions. Please submit your pull requests.
Copyright © 2013-2015 Hashobject Ltd ([email protected]).
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.