Digital Logic Design is a 4 credit course taught in Btech at VIT (Vellore Institute of Technology) (VIT BHOPAL UNIVERSITY)
Digital Logic Design Fundamentals : Number Systems – Positional number systems, Number base conversions between binary, octal , decimal and hexadecimal numbers – Unsigned and Signed binary number systems. Boolean Algebra : Basic definitions, theorems and properties of Boolean Algebra Boolean functions – canonical and standard forms –Digital logic gates – Introduction to digital logic families (RTL , TTL,ECL and CML)
Combinational Logic Design : Gate Level minimization – SOP and POS forms – The Karnaugh’s map method – Four and Five variable functions – don’t care conditions. Combinational Logic Functions: Analysis and design procedure – Non-arithmetic logic functions – MUX, DEMUX, Code converters,Encoders, decoders,Parity checker and generator. Arithmetic Circuits – Adders, subtractors, BCD adder and Multiplier
Sequential Logic Circuits : Introduction – Synchronous sequential logic – Latches & Flip-flops – SR, D, JK and T – characteristic equations & wave forms – Analysis and design procedure – State diagram –state reduction – state assignment
Registers, Counters & FSMs : Ripple counter and synchronous counter – Design procedure for synchronous MOD counters – UP/DOWN counter- Johnson & Ring Counters - Shift registers – SISO, SIPO,PISO,POPI. Finite State Machine : Mealy and Moore machine – Design of sequence detectors.
Hardware Description Language : Verilog HDL - Lexical Conventions -Ports and Modules, Gate Level Modeling, Operators, Data Flow Modeling, Behavioral level Modeling, Testbench. Modeling of Combinational and Sequential Logic Circuits using Verilog HDL.
You all know about gray converter. For ex, in 3 bits, 0 to 7 will be 000,001,010,011,100,101,110 and 111.
Now the gray conversion of above 0 to 7 numbers will be as follows:
0 - 000 - put first bit (most significant bit) 0 as it is, then the next bit is also 0 - so no change -
so retain 0 - then the next bit is also 0 - so no change - so retain 0 - hence finally 000 in decimal remains 000 in gray also.
1- 001 - put first bit (most significant bit) 0 as it is, then the next bit is also 0 - so no change -
so retain 0 - then the next bit is 1 - so there is a change - so put 1 - hence finally 001 in decimal remains 001 in gray also.
2- 010 - put first bit (most significant bit) 0 as it is, then the next bit is 1 - so there is change -
so change 1 - then the next bit is 0 - so there is a change - so put 1 - hence finally 010 in decimal remains 011 in gray.
3- 011 - put first bit (most significant bit) 0 as it is, then the next bit is 1 - so there is change
- so change 1 - then the next bit is 1 - so no change - so put 0 - hence finally 011 in decimal remains 010 in gray.
Similarly, please proceed for 4,5,6,7..
0 to 7 in decimal will change to 0,1,3,2,6,7,5,4
* For Educational Purpose
* harshagarwal94/Digital-Logic-Design is Open Source Licensed