This repository contains a full-stack Uber clone application developed using the MERN Stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js). It includes advanced features such as real-time location tracking, live traffic-based fare calculation, and a modern UI design.
The app integrates several technologies like, Google Maps API, and state management using both Context API and Zustand.
- Real-Time Location Tracking: Powered by to track and share live user and driver locations.
- Search and Geocoding: Integrated with Google Maps API for location search and address-to-coordinate conversion.
- Distance and Fare Calculation: Leverages Google Maps Distance Matrix API to calculate distances and fares with live traffic.
- Street View and Directions: Provides a Street View and route directions from origin to destination using Google Maps API.
- JWT Authentication: Secures the application with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for user authentication.
- Debounced Location Search: Enhances user experience with debounced input for location searches to optimize API calls.
- Driver Matching: Matches riders with the nearest drivers based on real-time updates using
- Modern UI Design: Incorporates Flowbite and Tailwind CSS for a sleek user interface.
- State Management: Combines Context API and Zustand for effective state handling.
- Node.js & Express.js: For building the server-side application.
- MongoDB & Mongoose: For database management and schema modeling.
- Socket.IO: For real-time communication (e.g., live location tracking).
- JWT Authentication: For secure user authentication and session management.
- BCrypt: For hashing passwords securely.
- Express Validator: For backend form validation.
- Axios: For making HTTP requests.
- CORS: For enabling cross-origin requests.
- Cookie Parser: For handling cookies in requests.
- Dotenv: For managing environment variables.
- React (Vite): For building the client-side application.
- React Router DOM: For navigation and routing.
- Socket.IO Client: For real-time communication with the backend.
- @react-google-maps/api: For integrating Google Maps functionalities.
- Navigator.geolocation API :For getting live location of users.
- Axios: For making API requests.
- GSAP: For creating smooth animations.
- Flowbite & Flowbite React: For UI components.
- Tailwind CSS: For responsive and modern styling.
- Zustand: For state management.
- React Hot Toast: For displaying toast notifications.
- RemixIcon: For using modern icons.
- Node.js (v14+)
- npm or yarn
- MongoDB (local or cloud instance)
- Google Maps API Key
Clone the Repository
git clone
Install Dependencies
# Install server dependencies cd BackEnd npm install # Install client dependencies cd FrontEnd npm install # Apply Patch for Goople Maps npm run postinstall
Set Up Environment Variables Create
files in both theserver
:PORT=4000 DB_CONNECT=your_mongodb_connection_string JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret MAPS_API_KEY=your_google_maps_api_key
:VITE_BASE_URL=http://localhost:4000 VITE_GOMAPS_API_KEY=your_google_maps_api_key
You can get a Free Google Maps API from Go Maps Pro. Firstly,you have to create a free account on the website. Then you have to navigate to the API Section and create a free API Key. Copy the API Key and paste into .env files of both the Frontend and Backend. This API Key only provides 500 credit points and if you exhaust them you can create a new account on the website and start again.
Run the Application
# Start the server cd BackEnd npx nodemon # Start the client cd FronEnd npm run dev
├── contollers/
├── db/
│ └── Models/
├── middlewares/
├── routes/
└── services/
├── patches/
└── src/
├── assets/
├── components/
├── context/
├── hooks/
├── pages/
└── store/
- Request handlers and business logicdb/
- Database configuration and modelsModels/
- Mongoose schemas and models
- Custom middleware functionsroutes/
- API route definitionsservices/
- Business logic and external service integrations
- Custom patches for npm packagessrc/
- Source codeassets/
- Images, fonts and static filescomponents/
- Reusable React componentscontext/
- React context providershooks/
- Custom React hookspages/
- Page componentsstore/
- State management with Zustand
├── /users
├── POST /register
├── POST /login
├── GET /profile
└── GET /logout
├── /captains
├── POST /register
├── POST /login
├── GET /profile
└── GET /logout
├── /rides
├── POST /create
├── GET /get-fare
├── POST /confirm
├── GET /start-ride
└── POST /end-ride
└── /maps
├── GET /get-coordinates
├── GET /get-distance-time
└── GET /get-suggestions
More information about API routes can be found in file in the BackEnd folder.