Support Geospark 1.2.0
Follow Geospark 1.2.0 Release Note:
Bug fix:
Issue #224 load GeoJSON non-spatial attributes.
Issue #228 Shapefiel Reader fails to handle UNDEFINED type.
Issue #320 Read CSV ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
New functions:
Add GeoJSON Reader to load GeoJSON with all attributes. See GeoSpark doc for an example.
Add WktReader and WkbReader. Their usage is simialr to GeoJSON reader.
- JTS side location conflict
- Drop ST_Circle in 1.2.0
- ST_isValid fails
- ST_Point doesn't accept null user data
- ST_Union_Aggr bug
- Adapter doesn't handle null values
New SQL functions:
- ST_IsValid
- ST_PrecisionReduce
- ST_Touches
- ST_Overlaps
- ST_Equals
- ST_Crosses
- ST_IsSimple
- ST_AsText