What's Changed
- Qrbot by @ahiipsa in #1
- Image gen by @fegloff in #2
- 1.countryBot by @fegloff in #3
- Stable Diffusion images generation by @potvik in #4
- hotfix imageGenBot by @ahiipsa in #6
- hotfix02 by @ahiipsa in #7
- qrbot: added regenerate button by @ahiipsa in #5
- Fixed callback query parsing for SD images bot by @potvik in #8
- Fixed: regenerate button, stable diffusion config, added prompt by @ahiipsa in #9
- Voice memo by @ArtemKolodko in #12
- Added showcase for SD bot by @potvik in #13
- Qrbot update02 by @ahiipsa in #11
- Wallet support by @ArtemKolodko in #15
- Add readme by @ArtemKolodko in #17
- Updated Bot Menu by @ahiipsa in #16
- add isEnabled attribute logic + update bot menu + add hotfix to qrBot… by @fegloff in #18
- first edit, reviewed git, made changes to wallet text by @theofandrich in #25
- Img gen owner by @fegloff in #21
- [WIP] Added comfy client and test by @ahiipsa in #23
- QRbot switched to comfyui by @ahiipsa in #31
- QR Bot getEstimatedPrice plug by @ahiipsa in #29
- Added wallet connect by @ahiipsa in #28
- Updated comfy workflow by @ahiipsa in #36
- Gpt4-integration by @fegloff in #30
- SD images - turned off queue by @potvik in #38
- Changed command name from walletc to walletconnect by @ahiipsa in #37
- Add payment feature by @ArtemKolodko in #39
- SD images new params by @potvik in #42
- switch back to webui by @ahiipsa in #43
- Qr update by @ahiipsa in #41
- switch to comfyui by @ahiipsa in #44
- hotfix by @ahiipsa in #45
- Add scheduler by @ArtemKolodko in #46
- Add /botstats command by @ArtemKolodko in #48
- Enable payments for QR and SD images by @ArtemKolodko in #49
- 1country rent renew by @fegloff in #40
- Add swap metrics by @ArtemKolodko in #52
- Net network fees by @ArtemKolodko in #55
- Sd images errors by @potvik in #54
- Added errors handler by @ahiipsa in #53
- Add payments refund by @ArtemKolodko in #50
- update qr size by @ahiipsa in #57
- Formatting1 by @theofandrich in #58
- round 1 of many text edits by @theofandrich in #59
- Openai payment by @ArtemKolodko in #60
- round3, updated backs by @theofandrich in #61
- Menu update by @fegloff in #62
- Image bot refactoring by @fegloff in #63
- hotfix by @fegloff in #64
- Changed qr workflow by @ahiipsa in #65
- Added /pools command by @ahiipsa in #56
- SD Images: added refund callback by @potvik in #66
- Qr refund callback by @ahiipsa in #68
- changed qr strength to 1.3 by @ahiipsa in #67
- Fixed workflow conflict issue by @ahiipsa in #69
- Image bot menu refactoring + isValidCommand method + conversations upgrades + help command + minor changes by @fegloff in #70
- [wip] Added wallet connect cli by @ahiipsa in #71
- more changes by @theofandrich in #72
- Added commands /send /get by @ahiipsa in #73
- fixed menu inconsistencies, added some prompts, cleaned up by @theofandrich in #75
- Botfund and menu by @theofandrich in #77
- fixed async issue by @ahiipsa in #79
- Added WallectConnect URI by @ahiipsa in #80
- updated qr example by @theofandrich in #81
- Wc and safe by @ahiipsa in #82
- chat-interviewing by @fegloff in #74
- Added help texts for /qr and limit for /send by @ahiipsa in #84
- many changes to chat feature by @theofandrich in #83
- Added rate limiter by @potvik in #78
- hotfix botfund by @fegloff in #86
- preparing new /help by @theofandrich in #87
- Launch edits by @fegloff in #88
- /chat command changes + register-interviewing by @fegloff in #85
- some changes by @theofandrich in #89
- fix payment for chat by @fegloff in #90
- Fix toONE method by @ArtemKolodko in #92
- Add /migrate command to support funds migration to a new secret by @ArtemKolodko in #91
- Catch error: proposal expired by @ahiipsa in #93
- fix menu back button + add explorer url by @fegloff in #96
- Menu update by @theofandrich in #95
- Add the original style wallet connect QR code by @ahiipsa in #94
- Group wallets by @ArtemKolodko in #98
- Allow wc in groups by @ahiipsa in #100
- Version 1 Merge by @theofandrich in #97
- removed all from whitelist by @theofandrich in #102
- Fix recharge credits response by @ArtemKolodko in #103
- Revert "Fix recharge credits response" by @ArtemKolodko in #104
- Fixed a function that replaces a $WALLET_ADDRESS by @ahiipsa in #105
- Updated the text for the "/connect" command by @ahiipsa in #106
- /ask minbalance & pay update by @fegloff in #107
- Version 2 Migration by @theofandrich in #108
- Voice-memo: create temp directory for audio files is not exists by @ArtemKolodko in #109
- SD images refactoring by @potvik in #99
- Voice-memo translation formatting by @ArtemKolodko in #111
- add chat action status for chatGpt, SD and QR by @fegloff in #101
- Chat stream by @fegloff in #113
- fix deploy error by @fegloff in #114
- Dev by @ArtemKolodko in #110
- Credits payment by @ArtemKolodko in #117
- add chat status while streaming by @fegloff in #115
- Added owners by @ahiipsa in #118
- add default image rendering for /images and /image + add chatAction f… by @fegloff in #119
- Added default prompt for /qr command by @ahiipsa in #120
- Version 4 by @theofandrich in #116
- Assign credits on every user command by @ArtemKolodko in #122
- Version 5 by @theofandrich in #121
- Openai payments by @fegloff in #123
- Version 6 by @theofandrich in #124
- fix typing status loop by @fegloff in #125
- Master Branch Merge Again by @theofandrich in #126
- add ... for /ask command while streaming by @fegloff in #127
- Dev merge to master by @theofandrich in #128
- Refactoring by @ahiipsa in #129
- add dalleLC + fix prompt for /stop /last command + by @fegloff in #133
- add ask35 logic + add/delete message to end typing status by @fegloff in #130
- Add weekly network fees by @ArtemKolodko in #134
- Add CREDITS_CHATS_WHITELIST by @ArtemKolodko in #135
- Dev merge to master by @theofandrich in #132
- Payments: add transaction nonce by @ArtemKolodko in #136
- Dev by @theofandrich in #138
- Added logs by @ahiipsa in #139
- Dev by @ahiipsa in #140
- remove reploy for ratelimitExceeded by @ahiipsa in #141
- Dev by @ahiipsa in #142
- increase limit timeFrame to 1000 by @theofandrich in #144
- openAI improvements by @fegloff in #147
- Moved negative prompt to constants.ts by @ahiipsa in #145
- Removed unused code by @ahiipsa in #137
- Added autoRetry plugin by @ahiipsa in #143
- Merge to Master by @theofandrich in #146
- Dev by @theofandrich in #148
- updated other queue by @theofandrich in #149
- add isTypingEnabled for launch by @fegloff in #150
- Dev to master by @theofandrich in #151
- Hardcode /ask harmony.one/dear reply by @ArtemKolodko in #152
- Handle not mined error by @ArtemKolodko in #153
- TO the master by @theofandrich in #155
- Dev by @theofandrich in #156
- Removed await for /ask command by @ahiipsa in #158
- Dev to Master Merge by @theofandrich in #159
- Openai upgrade by @fegloff in #162
- Dev Merge to Master Branch by @theofandrich in #163
- Prometheus metrics by @ArtemKolodko in #164
- Reduced hot wallet withdraw interval check by @ArtemKolodko in #157
- Dev update by @ArtemKolodko in #165
- Fixed concurrency issue by @ahiipsa in #166
- Fixed missing await error by @ahiipsa in #167
- Added bot stats by @ahiipsa in #154
- Added monitoring by @ahiipsa in #171
- SD images multiple models V2 by @potvik in #161
- DRAFT: SD Images: multiple models mode by @potvik in #131
- Botstats to master by @theofandrich in #172
- Fixed /stats report by @ahiipsa in #173
- updated format by @theofandrich in #176
- Fixed /stats report by @ahiipsa in #175
- Added monitoring by @ahiipsa in #178
- Hotfix /botstats by @ahiipsa in #179
- improve error handling by @fegloff in #169
- Fixed openai getEstimate price function by @ahiipsa in #180
- Openai queue by @fegloff in #170
- fix onChatHandler by @fegloff in #182
- Sd images aliases by @potvik in #183
- Add logs and DAU metrics by @ArtemKolodko in #181
- add a. alias + remove unused code by @fegloff in #184
- Add --ar : flag for image prompts by @Aishlia in #185
- Add --cfg flag to prompts by @Aishlia in #186
- reverted default image changes by @theofandrich in #187
- Dev to Master by @theofandrich in #168
- changed cat to bunny by @theofandrich in #188
- onChat method web crawler by @fegloff in #190
- hid /ask harmony.one/dear by @theofandrich in #191
- Merge to Dev for hardcoded webcrawl by @theofandrich in #192
- Refactor ONE token rate update by @ArtemKolodko in #193
- Add domensions, cfg, steps, seed, negative flags by @Aishlia in #189
- Fix: Not taking flags out of prompt by @Aishlia in #199
- hard code contents by @sunwavesun in #207
- Increased Event Emitter max listeners to 30 by @potvik in #200
- SD Images: remove queue order mess after image gen by @potvik in #202
- Hotfix: removed db synchronize by @ahiipsa in #209
- Revert "Hotfix: removed db synchronize" by @ahiipsa in #210
- changed datasouce.ts to accomodate local database?? @Sergey by @theofandrich in #211
- add metion logic + refactor openai class by @fegloff in #198
- add web crawler logic by @fegloff in #208
- SD Images: extended session to store original user message by @potvik in #213
- App bootstrap and termination by @ahiipsa in #212
- Fixed datasource config by @ahiipsa in #214
- Update /stats and refactor stats module by @ArtemKolodko in #196
- SD Images: Validate prompts to nsfw by @potvik in #215
- SD Images: extend worrds blacklist by @potvik in #216
- Update blacklist words by @Aishlia in #217
- Add more blacklist words by @Aishlia in #218
- upgrade web crawler logic for /sum and /ask commands by @fegloff in #219
- Add allstats command, refactor numbers rounding by @ArtemKolodko in #220
- Daily Merge to Master (8/28) by @theofandrich in #206
- private chat + reply msg features by @fegloff in #221
- Dev by @theofandrich in #222
- Fix users count query by @ArtemKolodko in #226
- Merging Analytics update to Master by @theofandrich in #227
- Added link for Q4 in /start by @theofandrich in #228
- added /imagine by @theofandrich in #229
- Fix sorting order in transactions history api by @ArtemKolodko in #230
- Stats update merge to master by @theofandrich in #231
- Added TranslateBot by @ahiipsa in #225
- SD Images: added img2img mode by @potvik in #232
- Merge to Master 9/1 1.0 by @theofandrich in #233
- SD Images: added new aliases by @potvik in #224
- Dev to Master Merge 9/2 1.0 by @theofandrich in #235
- Updated /stats command by @ahiipsa in #236
- Dev to Master merge (updating /stats) by @theofandrich in #238
- turbo16K + welcome chat user + web crawler with username and password by @fegloff in #223
- SD Images: added logo cmd by @potvik in #239
- Dev Merge to Master (9/05) by @theofandrich in #243
- Added user engagement by command by @ahiipsa in #242
- Add support for em dash and improved prompt flagging by @Aishlia in #244
- Sd images m loras by @potvik in #241
- Added /other section by @ahiipsa in #246
- Expanding banned words list by @Aishlia in #245
- Bot chat permissions by @fegloff in #240
- Dev to Master Merge (9/05) by @theofandrich in #248
- Fix flag parsing by @Aishlia in #250
- Update stats by @ArtemKolodko in #251
- Introducting new structure and versioning. by @Aishlia in #253
- Release v0.0.0 by @Aishlia in #254
New Contributors
- @ahiipsa made their first contribution in #1
- @fegloff made their first contribution in #2
- @potvik made their first contribution in #4
- @ArtemKolodko made their first contribution in #12
- @theofandrich made their first contribution in #25
- @Aishlia made their first contribution in #185
- @sunwavesun made their first contribution in #207
Full Changelog: https://github.com/harmony-one/HarmonyOneBot/commits/v0.0.0