This is a collection of abstractions that I have made for Puredata. I use the Pd convention for adding a trailing tilde (~) to all objects, that output or process audio. A lot of objects have accompaning help patches.
For all abstractions to load without any error you need the following libraries, available via deken:
- iemguts
- cyclone
- list-abs
- zexy
: simple bitcrusher effect.
: simple distortion effect.
: normalizes the sound and removes offset.
: equal volume pan for mono.
, [pitchshift2~]
: simple pitchshifter, each with its own
residual effects.
: outputs only one bang, if the inlet receives a series of
1s. Useful for filtering MIDI data or data coming a comport object like
an arduino.
: outputs a random float between two pre-defined values
: converts beats per minute to milliseconds for each beat,
inverse of [mstobpm]
: integrates float values.
: converts milliseconds for a beat to beats per minute, inverse
of [bpmtoms]
: converts milliseconds to a frequency.
: filters a stream of MIDI data to only capture MIDI on,
off and velocity.
: two switches for starting recording and playing loops
for [note-vel-looper]
and [sample-looper~]
: converts symbol atoms to float atoms.
: routes input to one of six outlets with another input
for switching the outlets, useful for usage with push-buttons on an
arduino etc.
: outputs bang alternatively on two outlets when receiving
a bang.
: routes inlets to outlets. Rows correspond to outlets,
columns to inlets, so the toggle in row 1 column 2 routes the input from inlet 2
to outlet 1, e.g. useful for toggling synchronization of [sample-looper~]
Can be initialized with the number of inlets and outlets with up to 15, defaults to 4.
: outputs 1 and 0 alternatively on the two outlets, useful
for switching two spigot objects.
: gets the length of a symbol atom.
: measures the time between a bang on the left side and
the right side and converts the timespan to frequency.
: filters a stream of 0s and 1s and only outputs a value
when a change is occuring.
: wraps around values at specified lower and upper bound, e.g.
useful for rotation data.
: loads a stereo sample of 8 beats length, slices it and plays
it back as a breakbeat with adjustable playback speed and pitch.
: records a sample and play it back as loops with MIDI notes.
Pitch of recorded loop is set to note 60, contains ADSR envelope, modulation
of playback pitch.
: a combination of [live-sampler~]
and [sample-looper-box]
, [note-vel-looper-box]
: records and plays back MIDI loops
with adjustable start and stop, can be synchronized with other instances
of itself and [sample-looper~]
, [sample-looper-box~]
: records and plays back audio loops
with adjustable start, stop, playback speed and pitch, can be synchronized with
other instances of itself and [note-vel-looper]
: rectangle oscillator with pulsewidth modulation.
: Triangle wave oscillator.