use Text::FriBidi::Line;
use Test;
plan 1;
enum ( :Shin<ש>, :Resh<ר>, :He<ה> );
my $text = "Sarah ({Shin~Resh~He})";
my Text::FriBidi::Line $line .= new: :$text;
my $visual = $line.Str;
is-deeply $visual, "Sarah ({He~Resh~Shin})";
is $line[7], He;
use Text::FriBidi::Lines;
use Test;
plan 1;
constant $LRO = "\c[LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE]";
constant $RLO = "\c[RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE]";
@lines = "Left", "{$RLO}Right{$PDF}", "{$LRO}left{$PDF}";
my Text::FriBidi::Lines $para .= new: :@lines;
is-deeply $para.lines, ('Left', 'thgiR', 'left');
The Unicode standard calls for characters to be ordered 'logically', i.e. in the sequence they are intended to be interpreted, as opposed to 'visually', the sequence they appear.
The Unicode® Bidirectional Algorithm (BiDi Algorithm) is then used to reorder for visual display.
This algorithm primarily based on character detection, but also uses special BiDi control characters available for manual control.
FriBidi is a library that implements the Unicode BiDi algorithm to reorder text for visual display. This module provides Raku bindings to FriBidi.
use Text::FriBidi::Defs :FriBidiType, :FriBidiFlag;
method new(
Str:D :$text!, # text, in logical order
UInt:D :$direction = FRIBIDI_TYPE_LTR, # default direction
Input text, in logical reading/processing order. Possibly including Unicode BiDi control characters.
use Text::FriBidi::Defs :FriBidiType, :FriBidiFlag;
method new(
Str:D :@lines!, # paragraph lines, in logical order
UInt:D :$direction = FRIBIDI_TYPE_LTR, # default direction
Input text lines, in logical reading/processing order. Possibly including Unicode BiDi control characters.
A set of 'ored` flag, including:
: Shape Arabic characters to their presentation form glyphs.FRIBIDI_FLAG_SHAPE_ARAB_LIGA
: Form mandatory Arabic ligatures.FRIBIDI_FLAG_REMOVE_SPECIALS
: Remove Bidi marks from output
Base text direction; one of:
: Left to rightFRIBIDI_TYPE_RTL
: Right to leftFRIBIDI_TYPE_WLTR
: Weak left to rightFRIBIDI_TYPE_WRTL
: Weak right to leftFRIBIDI_TYPE_LTR
: Left to rightFRIBIDI_TYPE_RTL
: Right to left
The string, after applying any mirroring, shaping and directional ordering and with BiDi control characters removed (by default).
Methods for obtaining individual visual characters.
Note that Raku may perform its own Unicode normalizations on strings. These methods can be used to get corresponding characters and properties.
use Text::FriBidi::Line;
my Text::FriBidi::Line $line .= new(:text("A\r\nB"));
say $line.Str.comb.raku; # "A", "\r\n", "B"
say $line.List.raku; # "A" "\r" "\n" "B"
say $line[3] ~ ' has type ' ~ $line.bidi-types[3];
sudo apt-get install libfribidi-dev
brew update
brew install fribidi
- UAX #9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
- fribidi GitHub repository
- Text::Bidi Perl Module