8 puzzle is a puzzle game with 8 tiles in a 3 x 3 grid. 1 tile is empty space which is used to move the tiles around. The goal of this game is to move the tiles in such a way to arrange then in increasing order starting from top left. Like the pattern below.
1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 |
7 | 8 | 0 |
This puzzle solver is a combination of 2 algorithms.
- DLS or Depth Limited Search
- IDS or Iterative Deepening Search
- This algorithm performs DFS or Depth First Search with a specified limit. If the goal cannot be found within that depth limit than the search has failed.
- This algorithm used DLS and iteratively increases the depth limit to continue searching for the goal state one level deeper in every iteration.
Using both these algorithms prevents creating a entire tree to perform DFS on it which can become a problem for cases where the tree can grow to large depths.
The pseudocode for the algorithm (coded in Python) is as follows
- First check if the problem can be solved
- Count the number of inversions (count numbers greater than the current number ahead of it in a flattened list)
- If number of inversion is even, solution is possible. Otherwise not possible.
- Initialize the depth to 0
- Create a loop that increments the dept limit by 1 in each iteration
- For every iteration we run DLS search.
If the goal is the current state, return current state
If the depth limit is reached, return None
For all the actions (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) possible for the current state, repeat DLS recursively with decrementing depth.
Any action is possible if and only if
- Performing the action does not go beyond the limits of the grid
- The inverse of the action was not the previous action
If the path was found from any of the actions, append current state to the path and return it.
- For every iteration we run DLS search.
- Print out the path in reverse order