Click this link to make captions!
You can use Pornhub's gif generator to turn videos into gifs.
Every gif/webm will be resized to 800px width, so make sure the resolution is high enough.
Or, you can find something on gfycat by right clicking and copying the video source.
Use the editor to write a saucy caption. Open the advanced settings if you want to edit the tagline / title / reposition the height.
Clicking the download link will download the frame image with the text. It will also copy the ffmpeg
command into your clipboard. You will have to run the ffmpeg
command to combine it with the gif/webm that you originally had.
ffmpeg -i "Lucky.png" -i "" -filter_complex "[1]scale=800:-1[a]; [0][a]overlay[b]; [b][0]overlay" "Lucky.webm"
Go to the same folder that contains the downloaded image. Right click the folder and go to "Command Prompts" -> "Command Prompt". Run the command there. The command will download the image and attach that frame to it.
Alternatively, if you don't want to download ffmpeg
, you can use this online ffmpeg site to run it online. You will have to upload the frame image, and write the command on the site to match the one given (i.e. remove the ffmpeg -i "Lucky.png"
at the start and move the "Lucky.webm"
at the end into the filename box)
Upload to Gfycat:
Post into Reddit: