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RP008: Participant Application Survey 2

Taylor Rogers edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 6 revisions

Participant Application Survey 2

Research Date:

Research Roadmap (this research is a subset of this roadmap)

Summary of Research


  • Who is interested in participating in the collabathon?
  • Why are they interested in the participating in the collabathon?
  • What prior experience do potential participants have?
  • When are potential participants available?


  • The purpose of the survey is to collect demographic information, contact information, current and past experience in product building, explanation on why they want to participate, and the availability of potential collabathon participants?


  • To answer the research questions, we will administer an application survey to collect information about potential participants, their past work experiences, intentions with participating, and availability.
  • We will analyze the data using quantitative measures (e.g., frequency tables for availability) and qualitative analyses to determine themes (e.g., why they are interested, prior experience, etc).

Current Status

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Outstanding task items


Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)


Interview recordings & Transcripts

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)

Presentation of Findings

Action Items Spreadsheet

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