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RP004: During Event Surveys

Asad Haider edited this page Jan 28, 2023 · 8 revisions

During event surveys

Research Date:

Research Roadmap (this research is a subset of this roadmap)

Summary of Research


  • The purpose of these surveys/polls is to assess how participants view each activity and/or speaker throughout the Collabathon. We are interested in knowing if they are helpful, productive, relevant, and effective.


Materials (ask at the beginning of the event before the activities and speakers)

  • Did you read the materials in the packet?
    • If not, the survey stops, gives them the link to the packet, and prompts them to retake the survey after they have read it.
  • On a Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, do you feel more informed after reviewing the materials?
  • Do you feel like you have the materials you need?
  • On a likert scale from “I needed more information” to “I was overwhelmed”, the packet provides an appropriate amount of information.
  • How can we improve the materials?
  • If you needed more, what should we add?

  • If you were overwhelmed, what could we cut?


  • On a Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, do you feel more informed after the activity?
  • On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 = not confident at all; 5 = extremely confident), how confident are you in the skill or topic?
  • On a scale from 1 to 5 (1 = not helpful at all; 5 = extremely helpful), how helpful was the activity?
  • How can we improve the activity?


  • Did you have any say in the speaker selection?
  • Did the speaker make you feel more empathy for the topic or the constituent population?
  • On a Likert scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, do you feel more informed after the speaker?
  • How can we improve on the speaker selection?
  • What other speakers would you like to have?

Research Methods


Purpose of Method

  • We are using this method to survey the views and opinions of the Collabathon participants multiple times throughout the Collabathon. We aim to field a short survey and reach a 100% response rate from Collabathon participants.


  • We plan to recruit participants during the Collabathon by sharing a link to the survey instrument via the Chat function on Zoom (if virtual) after each activity and/or speaker. If the event is in-person, we will direct participants to the URL via Figjam.


  • The survey will be administered electronically via Google Form. The survey instrument will include a variety of multiple choice, Likert-scale, and open-ended questions. The data will be stored in a Google Sheets document which will be stored in a special secured Collabathon Drive separate from the Youth Justice Navigation Research (YJN Research) drive, the data will be deidentified and then added to the which will be managed and monitored by researchers and PMs at Hack for LA.

Data Analysis

  • We will analyze the data using quantitative measures (e.g., frequency tables for availability) and qualitative analyses to determine themes (e.g., why are they interested, prior experience, etc.). Quantitative data analysis will be conducted in Google sheets and the qualitative data will be analyzed in a Google Doc.


Estimated Total Hours: 36 - 42 hours -We anticipate the following timelines:

  • Draft and finalize survey instruments
    • 6 - 12 hours (2 researchers, 3 to 6 hour each)
  • Field surveys
    • During the duration of the Collabathon
  • Full Analysis
    • 12 hours (2 researchers, 6 hours each)
  • Deliver Research Insights
    • 12 hours (2 researchers, 6 hours each)

Current Status

All Issues

Outstanding task items


Research Plan (including Audience Identification documentation)


Interview recordings & Transcripts

Synthesis (Miro or Figjam)

Presentation of Findings

Action Items Spreadsheet

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