Javascript library to use HTML5 database engines IndexedDB and WebSql in an agnostic way. What is WebDB?
WebDB is a javascript framework to ease the use of HTML5 database engines (webSQL and indexedDB). It also includes an agnostic mode to allow the engine to use the database engine if it is supported by the browser. How it works
WebDB has an agnostic mode to work with HTML5 databases using the browser's supported database engine priorizing indexedDB over webSQL, but if you prefer you can use webSQL or indexedDB separately.
This mode has a generic api to allow developers to work with the browser's supported database engine without the need of knowing what database is supported.
####Creating a Database and schema#### To create a database and its table schemas you just have to create a new instance of WebDB. #####Parameters#####
name: the name of the database
schema: The schema, its structure is explained in the next code
version: version of the database
size: The ammount of space in Mb to allocate
callback: The method to call after creating the database and will receive the error or the database instance (there is not any need to store it, webDB handles it)
//The first level of the schema defines the table, and its content the atributes and types: /*If an attribute is primary key, the content is an object with: * primary: Sets the column as primary key * autoincrement: Sets the column with autoincrement (sets the type to integer automatically) * type: If the autoincrement is not used this attribute must be added to set the type */ var schema = { users:{ id: {primary: true, autoincrement: true}, name: "TEXT", email: "TEXT", age: "NUMBER" }, posts: { title: {primary: true, type: "TEXT"}, //Primary without autoincrement content: "TEXT" } }; var onCreated = function(error, db){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ alert("Database Created"); } }; var myDB = new WebDB("MyDB", schema, 1, 5, onCreated);
####Inserting Data#### The instance that previously has been created has several methods the first one is insert. Data can be inserted one by one or in an array. #####Parameters#####
table: The name of the table
data: Data in object or array to insert
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of insertions
var single_data = { name: "haas85", email: "[email protected]", age: 29 }; var multiple_data = [ { name: "user2", email: "[email protected]", age: 32 }, { name: "user3", email: "[email protected]", age: 24 }, ]; var onInserted = function(error, inserts){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ alert("The amount of rows inserted is: " + inserts); } }; myDB.insert("users", single_data, onInserted); myDB.insert("users", multiple_data, onInserted);
####Getting the data#### You can get the stored data using the select method. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
query: The search query, its format is an array that contains objects, each attribute of the object is linked to the others with an AND and each position of the array whith an OR.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the result of the query.
var query = [ { name: "haas85", age: 29 }, { age: 24 } ]; // This is like: WHERE (name = 'haas85' AND age = 29) OR (age = 24) var onUsers = function(error, users){ if (error != null){ console.log("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("This is an array of objects from the DB"); console.log(users); } };"users", query, onUsers)
####Updating entries#### The data can be updated, to do this the method update must be used. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
data: The fields to update
query: The query to search entries, the same format as in select.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of entries modified
var query = [ { name: "user2", age: 32 } ]; var data ={ name: "user_2" }; var onUpdate = function(error, affected){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("The number of rows updated is: " + affected); } }; myDB.update("users", data, query, onUpdate);
####Deleting entries#### Using the delete method entries can be deleted. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
query: The query to search entries, the same format as in select.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of entries deleted
var query = [ { name: "user_2", age: 32 } ]; var onDelete = function(affected){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("The number of rows deleted is: " + affected); } }; myDB.delete("users", query, onDelete);
####Deleting a table#### A table can be deleted usnig the drop method. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
callback: The callback to execute after droping the table if an error happens it will return it
var onDropped = function(error){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("Table deleted"); } }; myDB.drop("posts", onDropped);
It is the most common HTML5 database engine, supported by Chrome, Safari, Opera, IOS, Android and BlackBerry As you can see here.
####Creating a Database and schema#### To create a database and its table schemas you just have to create a new instance of WebDB.webSQL. #####Parameters#####
name: the name of the database
schema: The schema, its structure is explained in the next code
version: version of the database
size: The ammount of space in Mb to allocate
callback: The method to call after creating the database that will receive the error and the database (there is no need to store it, webdb handles it)
//The first level of the schema defines the table, and its content the atributes and types: /*If an attribute is primary key, the content is an object with: * primary: Sets the column as primary key * autoincrement: Sets the column with autoincrement (sets the type to integer automatically) * type: If the autoincrement is not used this attribute must be added to set the type */ var schema = { users:{ id: {primary: true, autoincrement: true}, name: "TEXT", email: "TEXT", age: "NUMBER" }, posts: { title: {primary: true, type: "TEXT"}, //Primary without autoincrement content: "TEXT" } }; var onCreated = function(error, db){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ alert("Database created"); } }; var myDB = new WebDB.webSQL("MyDB", schema, 1, 5, onCreated);
####Inserting Data#### The instance that previously has been created has several methods the first one is insert. Data can be inserted one by one or in an array. #####Parameters#####
table: The name of the table
data: Data in object or array to insert
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of insertions
var single_data = { name: "haas85", email: "[email protected]", age: 29 }; var multiple_data = [ { name: "user2", email: "[email protected]", age: 32 }, { name: "user3", email: "[email protected]", age: 24 }, ]; var onInserted = function(error, inserts){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ alert("The amount of rows inserted is: " + inserts); } }; myDB.insert("users", single_data, onInserted); myDB.insert("users", multiple_data, onInserted);
####Getting the data#### You can get the stored data using the select method. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
query: The search query, its format is an array that contains objects, each attribute of the object is linked to the others with an AND and each position of the array whith an OR.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the result of the query.
var query = [ { name: "haas85", age: 29 }, { age: 24 } ]; // This is like: WHERE (name = 'haas85' AND age = 29) OR (age = 24) var onUsers = function(error, users){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("This is an array of objects from the DB"); console.log(users); } };"users", query, onUsers)
####Updating entries#### The data can be updated, to do this the method update must be used. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
data: The fields to update
query: The query to search entries, the same format as in select.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of entries modified
var query = [ { name: "user2", age: 32 } ]; var data ={ name: "user_2" }; var onUpdate = function(error, updated){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("The number of rows updated is: " + updated); } }; myDB.update("users", data, query, onUpdate);
####Deleting entries#### Using the delete method entries can be deleted. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
query: The query to search entries, the same format as in select.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of entries deleted
var query = [ { name: "user_2", age: 32 } ]; var onDelete = function(error, deleted){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("The number of rows deleted is: " + deleted); } }; myDB.delete("users", query, onDelete);
####Deleting a table#### A table can be deleted usnig the drop method. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
callback: The callback to execute after droping the table, it will receive an error if somecthing goes wrong
var onDropped = function(error){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("Table deleted"); } }; myDB.drop("posts", onDropped);
####Pure SQL#### Maybe this methods aren't enough for you, so you can execute your own SQL with the execute method. #####Parameters#####
sql: The SQL to execute
callback: A callback that will receive the error and the result (entries or number of entries modified)
var onSQL = function(error, result){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("If is a select result has the rows, else it has the number of rows affected"); } }; myDB.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 22", onSQL);
It is the HTML5 database engine which W3C is working on, supported by Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, Android 4.4 and partially by BlackBerry As you can see here.
####Creating a Database and schema#### To create a database and its table schemas you just have to create a new instance of WebDB.indexedDB. #####Parameters#####
name: the name of the database
schema: The schema, its structure is explained in the next code
version: version of the database
callback: The method to call after creating the database it will receive the error and the database (there is no need to store ir, webDb handles it)
//The first level of the schema defines the table, and its content the atributes and types: /*If an attribute is primary key, the content is an object with: * primary: Sets the column as primary key * autoincrement: Sets the column with autoincrement (sets the type to integer automatically) * type: If the autoincrement is not used this attribute must be added to set the type */ var schema = { users:{ id: {primary: true, autoincrement: true}, name: "TEXT", email: "TEXT", age: "NUMBER" }, posts: { title: {primary: true, type: "TEXT"}, //Primary without autoincrement content: "TEXT" } }; var onCreated = function(error, db){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ alert("Database created"); } }; var myDB = new WebDB.indexedDB("MyDB", schema, 1, onCreated);
####Inserting Data#### The instance that previously has been created has several methods the first one is insert. Data can be inserted one by one or in an array. #####Parameters#####
table: The name of the table
data: Data in object or array to insert
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of insertions
var single_data = { name: "haas85", email: "[email protected]", age: 29 }; var multiple_data = [ { name: "user2", email: "[email protected]", age: 32 }, { name: "user3", email: "[email protected]", age: 24 }, ]; var onInserted = function(error, inserts){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ alert("The amount of rows inserted is: " + inserts); } }; myDB.insert("users", single_data, onInserted); myDB.insert("users", multiple_data, onInserted);
####Getting the data#### You can get the stored data using the select method. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
query: The search query, its format is an array that contains objects, each attribute of the object is linked to the others with an AND and each position of the array whith an OR.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the result of the query.
var query = [ { name: "haas85", age: 29 }, { age: 24 } ]; // This is like: WHERE (name = 'haas85' AND age = 29) OR (age = 24) var onUsers = function(error, users){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("This is an array of objects from the DB"); console.log(users); } };"users", query, onUsers)
####Updating entries#### The data can be updated, to do this the method update must be used. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
data: The fields to update
query: The query to search entries, the same format as in select.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of entries modified
var query = [ { name: "user2", age: 32 } ]; var data ={ name: "user_2" }; var onUpdate = function(error, updated){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("The number of rows updated is: " + updated); } }; myDB.update("users", data, query, onUpdate);
####Deleting entries#### Using the delete method entries can be deleted. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
query: The query to search entries, the same format as in select.
callback: The callback that will receive the error and the number of entries deleted
var query = [ { name: "user_2", age: 32 } ]; var onDelete = function(error, deleted){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("The number of rows deleted is: " + deleted); } }; myDB.delete("users", query, onDelete);
####Deleting a table#### A table can be deleted using the drop method. #####Parameters#####
name: The name of the database
callback: The callback to execute after droping the table it will receive an error if somethig wrong happens
var onDropped = function(error){ if (error != null){ alert("Something wrong happened"); }else{ console.log("Table deleted"); } }; myDB.drop("posts", onDropped);
The next improvements that are coming are:
- Query modificators such as bigger, smaller and like
- Group by, order by
- Count, distinct