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PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::Check() in /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php on line 332 #18

acht opened this issue Dec 30, 2012 · 7 comments


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acht commented Dec 30, 2012


I use OC 4.0.8 from Debian and try to use oczpush. Contacts seam to work well. So thanks for your work.

The Calender seems not to work. 2 Appointments are synced from OC to Mobile (Android phone) and I get following error:
30/12/2012 18:24:31 [30287] [ERROR] [XXX] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionPreviousConnectionFailed(): Command 'Sync' at 30/12/2012 18:16:08 with pid '28708' terminated unexpectedly or is still running.
30/12/2012 18:24:31 [30287] [ERROR] [XXX] Please check your logs for this PID and errors like PHP-Fatals or Apache segmentation faults and report your results to the Z-Push dev team.

The Apache-log gives me:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::Check() in /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php on line 332

Calender sync from Mobile to OC seams to work. ToDos seems to have the same Problem.

Thanks in advance

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gza commented Dec 30, 2012


I don't think oczupsh is fully compatible with OC 4.0.
But perhaps it is not the problem. Do you have previous errors ? look into owncloud logs too...


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acht commented Dec 30, 2012


Here is the first in the log:
30/12/2012 12:53:47 [24986] [ERROR] [mh_privat] trace error: /var/www/oczpush/li
b/utils/timezoneutil.php:1100 Object of class vtimezone could not be converted t
o string (4096) - backtrace: 5 steps
30/12/2012 12:53:47 [24986] [ERROR] [mh_privat] trace: 1:/var/www/oczpush/backen
d/occalendar.php:324 - TimezoneUtil::GetFullTZ()
30/12/2012 12:53:47 [24986] [ERROR] [mh_privat] trace: 2:/var/www/oczpush/lib/de
fault/diffbackend/exportchangesdiff.php:196 - BackendOCCalendar->GetMessage()
30/12/2012 12:53:47 [24986] [ERROR] [mh_privat] trace: 3:/var/www/oczpush/lib/re
quest/sync.php:858 - ExportChangesDiff->Synchronize()
30/12/2012 12:53:47 [24986] [ERROR] [mh_privat] trace: 4:/var/www/oczpush/lib/re
quest/requestprocessor.php:127 - Sync->Handle()
30/12/2012 12:53:47 [24986] [ERROR] [mh_privat] trace: 5:/var/www/oczpush/index.
php:182 - RequestProcessor::HandleRequest()

my firs impression is that $message is not initialised because the loop in line 297 runs zero times. But this is just a guess.

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gza commented Dec 30, 2012

Could you try to uncomment debug at 286 and see if Calendar object is correctly retrieved from OC ?

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acht commented Dec 30, 2012

OC dose not show any message during, I checked with "tail -f owncloud.log".

I changed the code to ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_INFO . Debug seams to flood my log but I can change to Debug if this helps. Her is the Log:

30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28119] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php:329 Creating default object from empty value (2)
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] o => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] a => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] d => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined 4 backends loaded.
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Logon() success
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:19 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] ExportChangesDiff->InitializeExporter(): Found '750' changes
30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] Mobile loop detected! Messages sent to the mobile will be restricted to 2 items in order to identify the conflict
30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [INFO] [XXX] OCCalendar::GetMessage $calob 7ef37f76-47c3-4a42-a293-4d5e472c1095.ics-Array
[id] => 7537
[calendarid] => 7
[objecttype] => VJOURNAL
[startdate] =>
[enddate] =>
[repeating] => 0
[summary] => pki
[calendardata] => BEGIN:VCALENDAR
PRODID:-//Synthesis AG//NONSGML SyncML Engine V3.4.0.41//EN

[uri] => XXX.ics
[lastmodified] => 1356129882


30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php:320 Undefined variable: message (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php:320 Trying to get property of non-object (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php:320 array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array (2)
30/12/2012 21:50:20 [28618] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occalendar.php:320 Creating default object from empty value (2)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] Version='2.0.6-1616' method='POST' from='' cmd='Ping' getUser='XXX' devId='XXX' devType='SAMSUNGGTI'
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] i => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] /usr/share/owncloud/lib/app.php:360 file_get_contents(/usr/share/owncloud/apps/files_odfviewer/appinfo/version): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (2)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] /usr/share/owncloud/lib/app.php:360 file_get_contents(/usr/share/owncloud/apps/tasks/appinfo/version): failed to open stream: No such file or directory (2)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] o => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] a => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] /var/www/oczpush/backend/occombined/occombined.php:35 Array to string conversion (8)
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] d => Array
30/12/2012 21:50:30 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined 4 backends loaded.
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Logon() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [ERROR] [XXX] LoopDetection->ProcessLoopDetectionPreviousConnectionFailed(): Command 'Sync' at 30/12/2012 21:49:29 with pid '28324' terminated unexpectedly or is still running.
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [ERROR] [XXX] Please check your logs for this PID and errors like PHP-Fatals or Apache segmentation faults and report your results to the Z-Push dev team.
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] SyncCollections->CheckForChanges(): Waiting for store changes... (lifetime 470 seconds)
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [WARN] [XXX] BackendIMAP->GetMessageList('INBOX','0'): Failed to retrieve overview: Sequence out of range
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] ExportChangesDiff->InitializeExporter(): Found '0' changes
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] OCCombined->Setup() success
30/12/2012 21:50:31 [30414] [INFO] [XXX] ExportChangesDiff->InitializeExporter(): Found '0' changes

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acht commented Dec 30, 2012

The shown "event" seams to be a memo not a calender item!

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acht commented Dec 30, 2012

I removed all memos from OC via syncevolution. In moment it seams to sync. I will report later, 700+ events need some tome to be processed.

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acht commented Dec 31, 2012

It toke me the half night to get syncing to work. So her are my conclusions:

  1. Bug, memos should be ignored:
    After removing all memos the error from above is gone.

  2. Feature request, do something useful with memos

Then I run into an endless loop. Based on your debug code I could identify the “broken” events and fixed or removed them. Hear is one of the events:

31/12/2012 01:58:36 [17535] [INFO] [XXX] OCCalendar::GetMessage $calob 201
[email protected]
[id] => 6796
[calendarid] => 7
[objecttype] => VEVENT
[startdate] => 2004-10-12 11:00
[enddate] => 2004-10-12 12:30
[repeating] => 1
[summary] => XXX
[calendardata] => BEGIN:VCALENDAR
PRODID:-//Synthesis AG//NONSGML SyncML Engine V3.4.0.41//EN

[uri] => [email protected]
[lastmodified] => 1356044180


The problem seams to be the line “EXDATE:19700101T000000Z”

  1. Feature request, handle broken events:
    It would be nice if broken events could be ignored for syncing and to report the problem to the user by creating a new task.

So thanks a lot for your work!

PS.: the most important feature for me is to sync multiple calenders. Is this already on your schedule?

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